
What's in my shulker box?

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Shulker Box Tooltip
Maven CursreForge Modrinth CI Crowdin

This mod allows you to see a preview window of a shulker box contents when hovering above it in an inventory by pressing shift.

Help translate ShulkerBoxTooltip on Crowdin!
Please vote for this to be included in vanilla!

Preview Window


List of artifacts

  • com.misterpemodder:shulkerboxtooltip-common: Platform-agnostic API
  • com.misterpemodder:shulkerboxtooltip-fabric: Fabric Implementation
  • com.misterpemodder:shulkerboxtooltip-forge: Forge-specific API + Implementation
  • com.misterpemodder:shulkerboxtooltip-neoforge: NeoForge-specific API + Implementation

Declaring the dependency (Fabric Loom/Architectury Loom)

repositories {
    maven { url "https://maven.misterpemodder.com/libs-release/" }

dependencies {
    // Change to 'shulkerboxtooltip-forge', 'shulkerboxtooltip-neoforge', or 'shulkerboxtooltip-common' depending on the artifact
    modImplementation("com.misterpemodder:shulkerboxtooltip-fabric:VERSION") { transitive false }


To use the API, implement the ShulkerBoxTooltipApi interface on a class and register it as a plugin.

On Fabric, add your plugin class as an entry point of type "shulkerboxtooltip" in your fabric.mod.json as such:

"entrypoints": {
    "shulkerboxtooltip": [

On Forge and NeoForge, register your plugin by adding an extension point in your mod's initialization code:

    () -> new ShulkerBoxTooltipPlugin(MyModShulkerBoxTooltipPlugin::new));

See api source for documentation.