Little Esty Shop


"Little Esty Shop" is a group project that requires students to build a fictitious e-commerce platform where merchants and admins can manage inventory and fulfill customer invoices.


Work Completed

  • Implemented FactoryBot and Faker to support testing
  • Utilized ActiveRecord joins, aggregates, and grouping to fulfill user story functionality
  • Incorporated data from GitHub REST API
  • Completed all user stories
  • Employed and maintained a GitHub project board to track progress
  • Deployed application to Heroku

Future Iterations

  1. Determine how to break a tie for any top-5 model methods with associated edge testing.
  2. Make a module for similar model methods.
  3. Incorporate flash messaging for merchant items edit and new pages, including the needed validations within the model.


  1. For the merchant items and merchant invoices user stories, we decided to nest the items controller within a merchant folder and have the route point to the merchant/items and merchant/invoices controllers. Is this approach RESTful? If not, what would be a more RESTful approach?

**Bulk Discount Solo Project Section **

Reflection and next steps

  1. Overall, this project was challenging but doable. I was able to learn a great deal about ActiveRecord queries and more about APIs.
  2. In terms of next steps: a.) I would like to improve upon this project by cleaning up my routing. I was able to use resources in my routes file but would like to move to using them throughout the project's specs, views, controllers and models. b.) I moved away from factorybot to ensure I was testing correctly but plan on learning more about this to use in the future. c.) Visually, the project can be improved upon in the future. d.) I was able to test a sad path in this project but feel like there were more opportunities for me to use and practice this. e.) I commited out all APIs from the first part of the project to focus on this part's functionality and testing. f.) Finally, I was unable to fully connect to Heroku with this app. I plan on learning more and practicing with Heroku over intermission.