Telegram Drive is a powerful utility that enables you to organise your telegram files and much more.
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- UI: Based on Material You to create nice looking UI themes.
- Secure: Your data is secured using robust encryption.
- Flexible Deployment: Use Docker Compose or deploy without Docker.
Exceptional Speed: Teldrive stands out among similar tools, thanks to its implementation in Go, a language known for its efficiency. Its performance surpasses alternatives written in Python and other languages, with the exception of Rust.
Enhanced Management Capabilities: Teldrive not only excels in speed but also offers an intuitive user interface for efficient file interaction which other tool lacks. Its compatibility with Rclone further enhances file management.
Teldrive functions as a wrapper over your Telegram account, simplifying file access. However, users must adhere to the limitations imposed by the Telegram API. Teldrive is not responsible for any consequences arising from non-compliance with these API limits.You will be banned instantly if you misuse telegram API.
curl -sSL | bash
iwr | iex
curl -sSL | bash
restart: always
container_name: teldrive
- ./session.db:/session.db:rw
- ./config.toml:/config.toml
- 8080:8080
People Who want to use local Postgres instance with teldrive.
Create separate service for postgres and teldrive and add it to docker-compose file.Separate services are needed so that postgres doesn't depends on teldrive and can be used with other services.
docker network create postgres
container_name: postgres_db
restart: always
- postgres
- POSTGRES_USER=teldrive
- POSTGRES_DB=postgres
- ./postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
external: true
restart: always
container_name: teldrive
command: ["--db-data-source=postgres://teldrive:secret@postgres_db/postgres"]
- postgres
- ./session.db:/session.db:rw
- ./config.toml:/config.toml
- 8080:8080
external: true
These two services must be created in seperate folders.
Follow Below Steps
- Create the
file with your values and start your container. See how to fill file below.
data-source = "postgres://<db username>:<db password>@<db host>/<db name>"
secret = "abcd"
app-id =
app-hash = "fwfwfwf"
Only these values are mandatory however you can change or tweak your config see more in advanced configurations below.
touch session.db
# Run below command for both teldrive and postgres
docker compose up -d
- Go to http://localhost:8080
Make sure to run touch session.db
to create empty session file if you are using docker compose otherwise app will not run.
Follow Below Steps
- Run one line installer.
- Add same config file as above.
- Now, run the Teldrive executable binary directly.
- You can also set up without config file.
teldrive run --tg-app-id="" --tg-app-hash="" --jwt-secret="" --db-data-source=""
Generate JWT
$ openssl rand -hex 32
You can generate secret from here.
- Default Channel can be selected through UI. Make sure to set it from account settings on first login.
- Multi Bots Mode is recommended to avoid flood errors and enable maximum download speed, especially if you are using downloaders like IDM and aria2c, which use multiple connections for downloads.
- To enable multi bots, generate new bot tokens from BotFather and add them through UI on first login.
- Uploads from UI will be slower due to limitations of the browser. Use modified Rclone version for teldrive.
- Teldrive supports image thumbnail resizing on the fly. To enable this, you have to deploy a separate image resize service from here.
- After deploying this service, add its URL in Teldrive UI settings in the Resize Host field.
- Files are deleted at regular interval of one hour through cron job from tg channel after its deleted from teldrive this is done so that person can recover files if he/she accidently deletes them.
cli options
teldrive run --help
Flag Name | Description | Required | Default Value |
--jwt-secret | JWT secret key | Yes | "" |
--db-data-source | Database connection string | Yes | "" |
--tg-app-id | API ID for your Telegram account, which can be obtained from | Yes | 0 |
--tg-app-hash | API HASH for your Telegram account, which can be obtained from | Yes | "" |
--jwt-allowed-users | Allow certain Telegram usernames, including yours, to access the app. | No | "" |
--tg-uploads-encryption-key | Encryption key for encrypting files. | No | "" |
--config, -c | Config file. | No | $HOME/.teldrive/config.toml |
--server-port, -p | Server port | No | 8080 |
--log-level | Logging level DebugLevel = -1 InfoLevel = 0 WarnLevel = 1 ErrorLevel = 2 |
No | -1 |
--tg-rate-limit | Enable rate limiting | No | true |
--tg-rate-burst | Limiting burst | No | 5 |
--tg-rate | Limiting rate | No | 100 |
--tg-session-file | Bot session file. | No | $HOME/.teldrive/session.db |
--tg-bg-bots-limit | Start at most this no of bots in the background to prevent connection recreation on every request.Increase this if you are streaming or downloading large no of files simultaneously. | No | 5 |
--tg-uploads-threads | Concurrent Uploads threads for uploading file | No | 8 |
--tg-uploads-retention | Uploads retention duration.Duration to keep failed uploaded chunks in db for resuming uploads. | No | 7d |
--tg-proxy | Socks5 or HTTP proxy for telegram client. | No | "" |
--tg-pool-size | Connection pool size for uploads.Greater pool size will result in more memory and cpu usage set it to 0 but it will lower upload speed significantly or reduce the no of concurrent uploads and transfers in rclone. | No | 8 |
You Can also set config values through env varibles.
For example
same for all possible flags. -
in repo if you want to setup advanced configurations through toml file.
Keep your Password safe once generated teldrive uses same encryption as of rclone internally so you don't need to enable crypt in rclone.Teldrive generates random salt for each file part and saves in database so its more secure than rclone crypt whereas in rclone same salt value is used for all files which can be compromised easily. Enabling crypt in rclone makes UI redundant so encrypting files in teldrive internally is better way to encrypt files and more secure encryption than rclone.To encrypt files see more about teldrive rclone config.
Bots will be auto added as admin in channel if you set them from UI if it fails somehow add it manually.For newly logged session you have to wait 20-30 min to add bots to telegram channel.FRESH_CHANGE_ADMINS_FORBIDDEN error will be thrown if you try to add bots before that time frame.
type = teldrive
api_host = http://localhost:8080 # default host
access_token = #session token obtained from cookies
chunk_size = 500M
upload_concurrency = 4
encrypt_files = false # Enable this to encrypt files make sure ENCRYPTION_KEY env variable is not empty in teldrive instance.
random_chunk_name= true # Use random chunk names when uploading files to channel instead of original filename.
See all options in rclone config command
- Follow Limits: Adhere to the limits imposed by Telegram servers to avoid account bans and automatic deletion of your channel.Your files will be removed from telegram servers if you try to abuse the service as most people have zero brains they will still do so good luck.
- Responsible Storage: Be mindful of the content you store on Telegram. Utilize storage efficiently and only keep data that serves a purpose.
- Data Hoarding: Avoid excessive data hoarding, as it not only violates Telegram's terms.
By following these guidelines, you contribute to the responsible and effective use of Telegram, maintaining a fair and equitable environment for all users.
Feel free to contribute to this project if you have any further ideas.
If you like this project small contribution would be appreciated Paypal.