
Publish camera/imu/odometry as ROS topics on the Unitree Go1 dogs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Publish camera/imu/odometry as ROS topics on the Unitree Go1 dogs.

  • ssh into one of the jetson nanos
  • ps aux | grep point and sudo kill pid to free video devices
  • follow these instructions, customize if needed:
mkdir custom_ws
cd custom_ws
mkdir src
cd src
git clone https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_legged_sdk.git
git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/camera_info_manager_py.git
git clone https://github.com/aatb-ch/go1_republisher.git
cd ~/custom_ws
  • in /scripts do sudo chmod +x mono.py and sudo chmod +x stereo.py
  • source your workspace

To use:

Mono & Stereo camera publishing

To publish mono (left channel):

  • roslaunch go1_republisher camera_mono.launch

To publish stereo channels (left/right):

  • roslaunch go1_republisher camera_stereo.launch

To enable image post processing for rectification (dont forget to calibrate your camera and replace yaml calibration data):

  • roslaunch go1_republisher proc_mono.launch
  • roslaunch go1_republisher proc_stereo.launch

Imu and Odometry

To publish the imu and odom channels:

  • roslaunch go1_republisher imu_odom.launch


  • better namespacing to launch multiple instances
  • rewrite Python camera node as C++