
Mobile Application Development: This course introduces mobile application development concepts. During this class, students will apply their object oriented programming skills, to design and develop applications which run on mobile platforms such as smart phones and tablets


Mobile Application Development

Course Description

This course introduces mobile application development concepts utilizing the Android development platform. During this class students will apply their object oriented programming skills, organizing their code into a Model-View-Controller architecture.

Topics include:

  • screen layout
  • map generation
  • camera utilization
  • data storage and retrieval.

Programing tactics to reduce code size and increase speed in order to create efficient applications on small devices will be discussed. Students will produce a final application to run on the android platform showcasing their skills.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, students will be familiar with:

  • Creating screen layout files utilizing XML
    • Displaying Text
    • Displaying Images
    • Displaying Form Controls
    • Applying Style
  • Navigating between screens
  • Accounting for phone rotation
  • Displaying lists of data
  • Creating option menus
  • Storing and retrieving data
  • Utilizing the phones built in Camera
  • Displaying maps and utilizing location based services
  • Displaying multi-paned layouts
  • Pulling and displaying data from the internet
  • Debugging techniques