The Employee Tracker is a command line app used to keep track and manage the departments, roles, and employees of an organization. Features include viewing, adding, and updating employees, roles, managers, and departments.
** This app uses MySQL and you will need to have MySQL installed to operate this application.**
- Clone the repository onto your local machine (How to Clone a repository).
- In your terminal,
into the root folder of the Employee Tracker. - While in the root folder, you must first run
npm install
to load all the dependancies needed for the app to run. - Next you should open the connection.js file and edit it to contain your MySQL username and password.
- In your terminal while still in the root folder of employee-tracker run
mysql -u root -p
then enter your MySQL password when prompted. - Now in the MySQL shell run
source db/db.sql
to create the employee database. - Next run
source db/schema.sql
to create the departments, roles, and employees tables. - There is also a seeds file you can use to pre-populate your tables with test data. Run
source db/seeds.sql
to do so. Otherwise skip this step so you can add your own data. - Type
to exit the MySQL shell.
- After following the installation instructions you are able to use the application. Run
node index.js
to do so. - You will be taken to the main menu where you can choose what you would like to do in the Employee Tracker. The main menu looks like the following:
- Pick which ever action you would like to execute and follow the prompts. See the Walkthrough-Video for more on how to use the app.
- To exit the application use CTL + C
- Node.js
- Inquirer
Michelle Asuamah
If you would like to contact me you can reach me at