A tech blogging website where users can create an account, post, read, and comment on blog posts about tech.
On the landing page you will be able to see all the blog posts that have previously been posted. You can also read the comments under each post by clicking on the title of the post. You can only comment and create/edit/delete posts if you are logged in.
To login, click login
in the navigation bar. Enter your credentials or signup to create a new account.
Once you are logged in, you will be taken to your dashboard where you can create new posts, and edit or delete older posts. You can also access your dashboard through the navigation bar. Your dashboard will look similar to the following:
To create a new post, click on the new post button. You will be taken to the new post page where you can enter your post's title and content.
To edit posts, click on the title of the post while on your dashboard, and make any changes you would like to make. You will also have the option to delete the post.
When logged in you can also comment on posts. When you click on the title of the posts while on the homepage, you will be able to read the post's comments and add your own comments as well.
To logout, click on the logout
button in the navigation bar.
- Sequelize
- MySQL2
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Handlebars.js
- bcrypt
- dotenv
- express-session
- connect-session-sequelize
Michelle Asuamah
If you would like to contact me you can reach me at michey.asmah21@gmail.com.