
Sample code for PyDayTF18 event

Primary LanguagePython


Sample code for PyDayTF18 event

Example Code

To use appium you need the following instructions:

  • Import webdriver

from appium.webdriver.webdriver import webdriver

  • Create the Desired Capabilities for storing the attributes as PlatformName, DeviceName, AppPackage, etc...
class DesiredCapabilities:

    def __init__(self, device, platform_name, device_name, platform_version, app_package, app_activity):
        """"Constructor for storing the Desired Capabilities attributes"""
        self.device = device
        self.platformName = platform_name
        self.deviceName = device_name
        self.platformVersion = platform_version
        self.appPackage = app_package
        self.appActivity = app_activity
  • After, in MirApp.py constructor
self.desired = DesiredCapabilities(device, platform_name, device_name, platform_version, app_package,
  • How to obtain the elements for doing click. Two ways: by id or by class_name


MirApp is an application that lists all viewpoints of the Canary Islands and provides the location of all of them.

Play Store Link : MirApp