Spring framework

Basic spring application learning the concepts and methods to create web apps using Spring Boot. This project is inspired in the final project of the udemy course: "Desarrollo Web con Spring con Spring Boot - de Cero a ninja".

The tecnologies used are: Java as PL, MariaDb as database and Git as CI

The followings dependencies stored in pom.xml has been used to create a complete app:

  • Thymeleaf: to create templates
  • JPA: to use persistence in databases
  • Spring security: to secure the login and controllers
  • Spring loaded: to make changes in the app without reboot the server

NOTE: The funcionality of the web app is the next: After the starts the database server and web app server, you can to do login in the first view. After this, in the following view, will appear the movies list and the buttons to add, edit and remove a movie, logout and get the data in json format.