
ZFS provisioner for kubernetes - creates automatically pv as zfs volumes - shared by host mounted nfs volume

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


zfs-provisioner is an out of cluster external provisioner for Kubernetes. It creates ZFS datasets and shares them via the local Storage mode (to decrease the number of NFS connections needed to your storage node). To make them mountable to pods you have mount the zpool on every cluster node by editing your /etc/fstab file. Currently all ZFS attributes are inherited from the parent dataset, different storage classes for e.g. cached/non-cached datasets or manually setting attributes via annotations should follow in the future.

For more information about external storage in kubernetes, see kubernetes-incubator/external-storage.


The provisioner can be configured via the following environment variables:

Variable Description Default
ZFS_PROVISIONER_NAME Name of the provisioner. Change only if you want to run multiple instances. creamfinance.com/zfs
ZFS_KUBE_CONF Path to the kubernetes config file which will be used to connect to the cluster. kube.conf
ZFS_METRICS_PORT Port on which to export Prometheus metrics. 8080


Ubuntu/ Debian

To install the provisioner on one of your storage nodes copy the zfs-provisioner.service file to /etc/systemd/system/ and run

systemctl enable zfs-provisioner.service
systemctl start zfs-provisioner.service

Please ensure that the node can comunicate to your Kubernetes API Server and copy (if not already done) your /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf from a master node to your storage node. On all nodes add the following line to your /etc/fstab:

<storage-node-ip>:/zpool9/ /zpool9/ nfs rw,vers=4,soft,bg 0 0

If you have not already installed NFS modules, run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y nfs-common 

Now you can enable your storage mount by running:

sudo mkdir -p /zpool9/
sudo mount -a



The dataset that was created is saved in the persistent volume as a annotation creamfinance.com/zfs-dataset. On delete the dataset name is checked against the PV Name - so only datasets that match exactly the name of the volume will actually be deleted to hinder manipulation.

Storage space

The provisioner uses the reflimit and refquota ZFS attributes to limit storage space for volumes. The overProvision property in the storage class controls if reflimit is set or not, refquota is always set.


The tests need to manage ZFS datasets, create a testing pool on a disk image:

# Create a 10GB disk image
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024m count=10 of=disk.img


runcate --size 1G disk1.img
sudo zpool create pool1 $PWD/disk1.img -m $PWD/test


# Mount the image as a block device, MacOS way
hdiutil attach -imagekey diskimage-class=CRawDiskImage -nomount disk.img
# Create zpool with mount in current directory
sudo zpool create -m $PWD/test -f test /dev/disk2

For development under other operating systems, adapt mount command and block device.


You need GO and go-dep

sudo apt install golang-go go-dep

# If $GOPATH is empty
mkdir -p ~/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src
ln -s $PATH_TO_REPO $GOPATH/src/kubernetes-zfs-provisioner
cd $GOPATH/src/kubernetes-zfs-provisioner

# Install dependencies
dep ensure

# Build
make build