
🍿 anime scraper/downloader + trackma wrapper

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

GitHub Repo stars GitHub Repo stars

This is wrapper for animdl + trackma.
The goal? Type adl, hit enter, choose show, watch show, update episode number with as little input as possible.

Note: any visual glitches in the above are caused by the terminal recorder.


  • fetch currently watching anime from your account;
  • ability to switch between lists: watching, completed, rewatching, paused, dropped, plantowatch;
  • option to change account used by trackma;
  • option to update local list;
  • select multiple anime to be watched in sequence;
  • watch any episode from the anime chosen, default is the next episode;
  • easily watch all available episodes after last watched, in order to catch up. Also update list accordingly;
  • prompt user for watching another show;
  • prompt user to add a score to an anime if the anime in question will be set as completed;
  • option to skip all user input - works in combination with the other options as well;
  • download instead of watching; everything from above still applies;
  • use local media instead of streaming:
    • requires identical folder name to anilist anime title; ex: Fruits Basket: 2nd Season should be a folder inside animedir containing the vidoes, otherwise adl will not find the anime folder;
    • considering different naming conventions, fzf is used for episode selecting and perl is used for better matching, but it will search for 0# format;
    • to avoid Scans and other such extras, the find maxdepth is set to 1, as such don't have folders inside folders; use a symlink instead, or change the maxdepth variable.
  • do not display verbose vlc output;
  • warn user if episode wasn't found;
  • download covers from anilist and show them in the terminal. Example:


Note: vn-ki/anime-downloader seems to be depricated. As such I have ported to animdl.

  • animdl - make sure this works. Settings for animdl, such as provider, need to be placed in your configuration file.
  • z411/trackma - tested with anilist (you need to set up trackma before using adl). Also adl now needs the following PR merge that fixes issue #9;
  • junegunn/fzf - needed for show selection and cover previews. Make sure you install the latest version from github to prevent issue #35;
  • MPV - used to play the anime (better integration with anime-downloader). VLC can also be used: $adl -p vlc;
  • perl - for regular expressions;
  • frece - optional - $adl -f will show most watched anime at the top of the list. By default frece is not used;
  • ueberzug - optional - $adl -c will download covers from anilist to /tmp/ using cURL and wget, then will display the covers using ueberzug in the fzf anime selection window. Alternatively, the script adl_covers.py in this repo also downloads covers.



  • Install all the dependencies from above.
  • Simply download the script into your ~/bin or ~/local/bin folder and make it executable. ~/bin should be added to your $PATH.
mkdir -p "$HOME/bin"
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RaitaroH/adl/master/adl -O "$HOME/bin/adl"
chmod +x "$HOME/bin/adl"


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RaitaroH/adl/master/adl -O "$HOME/.local/bin/adl"
chmod +x "$HOME/.local/bin/adl"


Windows platform is not officially supported. User discretion is advised.

  • Install Chocolatey package manager (used to install other dependencies).
  • Install git-for-windows (used to run the bash script).
  • Should not be needed to be installed separately, but perl and curl are also required.
  • Open CMD/PowerShell as /Administrator/ and run the following dependencies. nodejs is not strictly needed, but many providers need it.
choco install -y python3 aria2 mpv fzf nodejs
  • Install trackma and anime-downloader using pip. Note: if needed you may install youtube-dl as well.
pip install -U git+https://github.com/anime-dl/anime-downloader Trackma
  • Setup trackma as seen below. If you already have trackma set up, then skip this step.

  • Change default provider, Anime Downloader Configuration.

  • Download this repository. You will need adl and player_check.bat at the least. You may download the zip or clone the repository. Be mindful of the folder you are in:

git clone https://github.com/RaitaroH/adl.git
cd adl
  • To run the script execute the command from below. C:\Program Files\Git\bin\ should be added to your PATH to simply use bash.exe. You may type refreshenv to reload the environment variables after adding to PATH, or reopen the CMD/PowerShell. Note: .\adl assumes you are currently in the folder where adl is; otherwise specify the full path.
bash .\adl
  • see adl -h for more information.

Windows sepcific issues

  • covers don't work;
  • in the event that adl cannot count watched episodes:
    1. verify that mpv.com exists at C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\mpv.install\tools;
    2. from a CMD run echo %PATHEXT% to test if you get .COM;.EXE;... and not .EXE;.COM.... Change the PATHEXT if needed.
    3. use bash .\adl -p 'mpv.com' as last option. This might break some providers.

Trackma Setup

Setting up Trackma can be done using the GTK and Qt interfaces. Alternatively:

  • In the CMD/PowerShell/Terminal type trackma;
  • Type a to add an account;
  • Type anilist/myanimelist etc;
  • Enter your username;
  • Copy the url in a browser and get your token from the anime site;
  • Paste the pin in the CMD/PowerShell/Terminal;
  • Type retrieve to get your list. Note: you may use adl -r to force retrieve before getting the anime list.

Anime Downloader Configuration

The provider animdl is using, may not work for you. As such configure animdl by editing the config file.

Note - adl used to be able to change providers, as "anime dl" had a flag for it; "animdl" does not, so you will ned to modify the file manually.


adl also has a function for updating itself from source. To use it run adl -u or adl --update and follow the prompts.


If the show doesn't start for you, the script will inform you of this. If you are positive that the episode number has aired, then most likely the provider you are using is NOT yet up-to-date.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


🐛 💻 🤔



This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!