My Ubuntu VM


Download and add all these to your system PATH.

Build the Base VM

Change the -var flags to suit your needs. When you run the Packer command, you should see a VirtualBox GUI window running boot commands, then the login prompt while Packer tasks continue running in the terminal. Wait for the Packer command to finish running.

With Bash:

cd bento/packer_templates/ubuntu
packer build -only=virtualbox-iso -var "disk_size=65536" -var "cpus=4" -var "memory=4096" ubuntu-20.04-amd64.json
cd ../../..

Or, with PowerShell:

cd .\bento\packer_templates\ubuntu
packer build -only=virtualbox-iso -var "disk_size=65536" -var "cpus=4" -var "memory=4096" ubuntu-20.04-amd64.json
cd ..\..\..

Add the Base Box as a Vagrant Box

vagrant box add ubuntu_base bento/builds/

Build the Vagrant VM

vagrant up

Verify the VM's Specs Are What You Set in Packer

# Start an SSH session in the VM
vagrant ssh
# Check the available memory (RAM)
free -m
# Check the available disk space
df -h
# Check the number of available CPUs
# Leave the SSH session

Setup SSH

If you use VS Code:

  • Download the Remote Development extension
  • Go to the Remote Explorer pane
  • Hover over SSH Targets and click the cog button (Configure)
  • Select the SSH config file you wish to edit.

If you don't use VS Code, just open your machine's ~/.ssh/config in an editor.

Copy the output of this command into your SSH config file...

vagrant ssh-config


  • Change Host default to Host ubuntu-vm.
  • Delete the UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null line if you're on Windows.