
Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains code implementing several source location privacy protocol for wireless sensor networks. The instructions below will inform you how to setup the dependencies to be able to simulate and deploy these algorithms.

Reproducing Results

The code in this repository has been used to generate the results for several academic papers. Please see the docs/papers directory for information on how to run experiments for specific papers.

Syntax Highlighting

nesC is a C derivative. Syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3 is maintained at https://github.com/MBradbury/Packages/blob/master/C%2B%2B/nesC.sublime-syntax.

Setup System Requirements

The following commands will get you set up with TinyOS and the slp-algorithms-tinyos framework on your local machine.

  1. Install required packages. The commands below are specific to Debian. Other OSes will need to install these packages in a different way. You may need to prefix commands with "sudo" to install using admin privileges.

     sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev python python-pip python-dev g++ gfortran python-tk git mercurial make libssl-dev libffi-dev libxml2-utils

    Python 3 is required by the testbed framework.

  2. Install python libraries

     pip install scipy numpy cython pandas more_itertools psutil paramiko pip cryptography requests matplotlib networkx pydot lazy_import --upgrade -v
     pip install git+git://github.com/MBradbury/python_euclidean2_2d.git --upgrade -v
     pip install git+git://github.com/emulbreh/bridson.git --upgrade -v

    Make sure to prefix these commands with sudo if installing for the system python.

Using pyenv (general)

If you do not have python installed, or have an install that requires admin permissions to use pip install, then pyenv is a good alternative.

You do not need to do this step if you are using your system python.

sudo apt-get install lzma-dev tk-dev libreadline-dev libbz2-dev libssl-dev
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yyuu/pyenv-installer/master/bin/pyenv-installer | bash
CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-optimizations" MAKE_OPTS=profile-opt pyenv install 3.6.4 -v
pyenv global 3.6.4

Using pyenv (on flux)

To install on flux there is a slightly different procedure:

module load flux-installers && pyenv-install.sh && source ~/.bashrc
CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-optimizations" MAKE_OPTS=profile-opt pyenv install 3.6.4 -v
pyenv global 3.6.4

Please ensure that you install the python packages using pip after setting up python in this way.

Setup SLP Simulation Framework

  1. Setup directory structure

     cd ~
     mkdir wsn
     cd wsn
  2. Clone the SLP simulation framework

    I recommend forking MBradbury/slp-algorithms-tinyos to give you your own repository to push changes to. You can do this on bitbucket.org.

You should end up with a path to this repo such as ~/wsn/slp-algorithms-tinyos.

Setup TinyOS

  1. Clone the tinyos fork

     cd ~/wsn
     git clone -b bradbury_2_1_2 https://github.com/MBradbury/tinyos-main.git

    There should now be a folder at ~/wsn/tinyos-main.

  2. Create ~/tinyos.env with the following contents

     export TOSROOT="<fill in path to tinyos repo here>"
     export TOSDIR="$TOSROOT/tos"
     export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:$TOSROOT/support/sdk/java:$TOSROOT/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar"
     export MAKERULES="$TOSROOT/support/make/Makerules"
     export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$TOSROOT/support/sdk/python"

    Replace with the path to the tinyos repo.

  3. Add the following to ~/.bashrc before any interactivity check

     source ~/tinyos.env

    Then run the following:

     source ~/.bashrc
  4. Install TinyOS dependencies

    These instructions are based on those at: http://tinyprod.net/repos/debian/ You can view that website for more information.

    1. Add the TinyProd signing key

      :::bash wget -O - http://tinyprod.net/repos/debian/tinyprod.key | sudo apt-key add -

    2. Specify the apt-get sources

      Add a file called "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/tinyprod-debian.list" with the following contents:

      deb http://tinyprod.net/repos/debian wheezy main deb http://tinyos.stanford.edu/tinyos/dists/ubuntu lucid main

    3. Install the dependencies

      :::bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nesc tinyos-tools

      If you are working with avrora, cooja or deploying to a testbed then you will want to install the necessary cross compilers. There are two options here, either use the TinyOS packaged compilers or use your operating system's toolchain.

      Some issues have been observed with the MSP430 4.6.3 version distributed with both TinyOS and Debian. Alternately you could download the latest MSP430-GCC from TI at http://software-dl.ti.com/msp430/msp430_public_sw/mcu/msp430/MSPGCC/latest/index_FDS.html.


      ::bash deb http://tinyprod.net/repos/debian msp430-46 main sudo apt-get install msp430-46 avr-tinyos


      :::bash sudo apt-get-install gcc-msp430 gcc-avr

    4. Test tinyos worked

      :::bash cd ~/wsn/tinyos-main/apps/Blink make micaz sim

      You should see an output that contains "*** Successfully built micaz TOSSIM library".

Set up Avrora (optional if only using TOSSIM)

  1. Make sure a suitable version of Java is installed

  2. Go to https://sourceforge.net/projects/avrora/ and download the latest avrora jar

  3. Edit ~/.bashrc to export an environment variable called "AVRORA_JAR_PATH" which contains the path to the Avrora jar. An example path is shown below.

    :::bash export AVRORA_JAR_PATH="/home/matt/wsn/avrora/avrora-beta-1.7.117.jar"

Set up COOJA (optional if only using TOSSIM)

COOJA is a simulator that comes with Contiki. If you are writing your code using TinyOS you will typically use the TOSSIM simulator, so will not need COOJA.

  1. Clone the contiki repository

    :::bash cd ~/wsn git clone git@github.com:contiki-os/contiki.git -b release-3-1 cd contiki git submodule update --init

If you wish to simulate MicaZ nodes you will need to use this fork and the master branch instead: https://github.com/MBradbury/contiki.git. This is due to a number of bugs in Cooja's MicaZ code.

  1. Install dependencies

    :::bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ant

  2. Build COOJA

    :::bash cd ~/wsn/contiki/tools/cooja ant jar

  3. Edit ~/.bashrc to export an environment variable called "CONTIKI_DIR" which contains the path to the contiki repository. An example path is shown below.

    :::bash export CONTIKI_DIR="/home/matt/wsn/contiki"

Updating from upstream

Ideally you will have forked the slp-algorithms-tinyos repository. You will want to pull updates from it by doing the following:

Modify your slp-algorithms-tinyos/.hg/hgrc to contain the following line under default: "upstream = ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/MBradbury/slp-algorithms-tinyos"

If you are not using SSH keys, then you should use the following: "upstream = https://@bitbucket.org/MBradbury/slp-algorithms-tinyos"

You can then update from the upstream fork by doing the following:

hg pull -u upstream

You may need to perform a merge:

hg commit -m "Merge"

You will need to push what you have pulled to your fork:

hg push

You can update the tinyos repository by doing the following:

git pull

Or by the following instruction if you forked it:

git pull https://github.com/MBradbury/tinyos-main bradbury_2_1_2

Examples for running simulations

(Assumes you are in ~/wsn/slp-algorithms-tinyos)

See the options that can be provided to an algorithm:

./run.py algorithm.protectionless tossim GUI -h

Some example runs

./run.py algorithm.protectionless tossim GUI -c SourceCorner -ns 11 -cm low-asymmetry -nm meyer-heavy  -am "SeqNosReactiveAttacker()" --source-period 1
./run.py algorithm.adaptive_spr tossim GUI -c SourceCorner -ns 11 -cm low-asymmetry -nm meyer-heavy  -am "SeqNosReactiveAttacker()" --source-period 1 -safety 50 --approach PB_FIXED1_APPROACH
./run.py algorithm.phantom tossim GUI -c SourceCorner -ns 11 -cm ideal -nm casino-lab  -am "SeqNosReactiveAttacker()" --source-period 1 -safety 50 --walk-length 8

An example run with a bit flip fault model. Note that we expect the simulation to do nothing after this point, as the source node has its busy flag flipped to true.

./run.py algorithm.protectionless tossim GUI -c SourceCorner -ns 11 -cm low-asymmetry -nm meyer-heavy --source-period 1 -am "SeqNosReactiveAttacker()" -nido randomised -fm "BitFlipFaultModel(0, 'SourceBroadcasterC.busy', 2)"

We might also want to test with crashes that can be done like so. Note that in this example we have used the string 'top_right' to specify the top right node's id. Other landmark node names can be used in this fashion.

./run.py algorithm.protectionless tossim GUI -c SourceCorner -ns 11 -cm low-asymmetry -nm meyer-heavy --source-period 1 -am "SeqNosReactiveAttacker()" -nido randomised -fm "NodeCrashFaultModel(12, 5)"
./run.py algorithm.protectionless tossim GUI -c SourceCorner -ns 11 -cm low-asymmetry -nm meyer-heavy --source-period 1 -am "SeqNosReactiveAttacker()" -nido randomised -fm "NodeCrashFaultModel('top_right', 5)"

When running locally with a GUI it can be helpful to display certain variables instead of the node ids. These are two examples of how to specify variables for regular components and generic components

./run.py algorithm.adaptive_spr_notify tossim GUI -cm low-asymmetry -ns 11 -c SourceCorner -nm meyer-heavy -safety 50 -am "SeqNosReactiveAttacker()" --source-period 1 --approach PB_FIXED1_APPROACH --gui-node-label 'SourceBroadcasterC.extra_to_send'
./run.py algorithm.adaptive_spr_notify tossim GUI -cm low-asymmetry -ns 11 -c SourceCorner -nm meyer-heavy -safety 50 -am "SeqNosReactiveAttacker()" --source-period 1 --approach PB_FIXED1_APPROACH --gui-node-label '/*SourceBroadcasterAppC.NodeTypeC.NodeTypeP*/NodeTypeP$0$current_type'

Running locally

To run a large combination of parameters locally you can use the following command

./create.py <algorithm> run <sim>

You will first need to edit your algorithm's Parameters.py file to contain the parameter combinations that you wish to run.

Running on the cluster

In order to run your code on the cluster you will first need to checkout the files as described above.

The available clusters are described by individual files in slp-algorithms-tinyos/data/cluster.

Safety Periods

The first step is to ensure that you have the correct safety period results on your computer. If you are using a standard configuration then it is likely the slp-results-protectionless will contain the necessary safety periods. If you are using custom configurations, then it would be a good idea to fork the slp-results-protectionless repository, gather the results and commit them to that repository.

One you have the necessary safety period results you can create the summary file like so:

./create.py protectionless analyse

You can then copy that summary to the desired cluster like so:

./create.py protectionless cluster <cluster> copy-result-summary

The cluster will now have the correct safety periods present to be able to run the simulations.


The next step is to modify the algorithm's Parameters.py file to contain the correct set of arguments you wish to run. To aid in testing there exists a dummy cluster driver which will print out the cluster command rather than execute it.

Use this to test that you have set up the correct parameters in Parameters.py like so:

./create.py <algorithm> cluster dummy submit

To copy this file to the cluster you must execute the following

./create.py <algorithm> cluster <cluster> copy-parameters


You must now build all the combinations of arguments. You may wish to provide "--no-skip-complete" if no runs have been performed.

./create.py <algorithm> cluster dummy build

Copy built binaries to cluster

To copy the built binaries to the cluster you need to execute the following command:

./create.py <algorithm> cluster <cluster> copy

Submitting jobs to the cluster

To submit jobs to the cluster you will need to modify certain files.

The most important file to modify is Parameters.py, as this defined the parameters combinations that will be run on the cluster. DO NOT modify Parameters.py.sample unless a new parameter is added. Custom parameter combinations should only be specified in Parameters.py.

When submitting to the cluster it can be helpful to specify a time limit. It is important to specify a limit that is about how long you expect the jobs to take, plus a bit extra for safety. If the jobs exceed the time limit they will be killed. If they take much less time than the time limit they will take longer to be scheduled.

So considering this, I have found that it is best to specify different expected times for different sized networks. With size 11 having a smaller time limit and size 25 having a larger time limit.

To begin with ensure that your algorithm's CommandLine.py is up-to-date.

You will need to modify slp-algorithms-tinyos/algorithm//CommandLine.py to override _time_estimater. Look at CommandLineCommon.py for the defaults.

To keep things simple you could just use a very large request time, but it is likely it will mean your jobs are not run as often as they could be.

Now submit the jobs using the following. Again you may need to provide "--no-skip-complete".

./create.py <algorithm> cluster <cluster> submit

Array Jobs

Alternatively you could use array jobs using the following command. The difference here is that rather than submitting one job that takes up an entire node, many smaller jobs that only require one processor are submitted instead. This should improve throughput of results on certain clusters. As the number of repeats performed per job will be smaller make sure that you divide the walltime by the number of array jobs that will be created.

./create.py <algorithm> cluster <cluster> submit --array

Releasing jobs

Cluster jobs are submitted as held jobs. Please inspect them to make sure that everything is setup correctly. To queue to jobs you need to release them. This is different for different cluster platforms.

For flux you should do the following:

./scripts/pbs-qstat.sh | cut -f 1 -d' ' | xargs qrls

Copy back from cluster

Once all your jobs have finished you will need to copy them back from the cluster.

./create.py <algorithm> cluster <cluster> copy-back

You can then analyse the results like so:

./create <algorithm> analyse

Which will generate a result summary at "slp-algorithms-tinyos/results//-results.csv".

As some of the analysis can be very expensive it is recommended to skip certain fields.

./create <algorithm> analyse -S SentHeatMap ReceivedHeatMap

Resubmitting Jobs

If for any reason you need to go back and submit more of the same jobs that you have run before there are a few tricks.

When building or submitting jobs, the results summary file (in slp-algorithms-tinyos/results//-results.csv) will be read so that jobs will only be executed if the results show that not enough have been executed so far.

You can copy these result summaries to the cluster using:

./create.py <algorithm> cluster <cluster> copy-result-summary

If you want to ignore any existing results make sure to pass "no-skip-complete" when building or submitting cluster jobs. Doing so will run all parameter combinations as specified in the /CommandLine.py file.

./create.py <algorithm> cluster dummy build --no-skip-complete
./create.py <algorithm> cluster <cluster> submit --no-skip-complete

Job Notification

A useful feature is the ability to be notified when a job is completed or cancelled via email. This can be done in two ways (#2 is recommended, as I tend to forget to do #1):

  1. By specifying "--notify=" when submitting your jobs.

  2. By editing your ~/.bashrc to contain "export SLP_NOTIFY_EMAILS="

Faster analysis

Analysing results may be slow depending on how many are present.

Your first attempt to speed up the analysis is to ask the analysis to use more threads. A good number of threads will vary from machine to machine. I usually use the total number of physical cores present on the machine, if it has HT. If not, I use the number of physical cores minus 1.

./create.py <algorithm> analyse --thread-count 4

If that is still fairly slow, you can compile the analysis code to c.

Make sure cython is installed first.

pip install cython

Then make sure you are in the root of slp-algorithms-tinyos before cythonising analysis. Once cythonised, the analysis script is run as usual.

cd slp-algorithms-tinyos
./create.py <algorithm> analyse --thread-count 4

A very important thing to note is that if you make any change to data/analysis.py then you MUST rerun ./scripts/cythonise_analysis.sh. This may happen when you pull from another repo. If you do not then analysis may not work properly.

Merging results from multiple runs on the cluster

When you run the same job on the cluster twice you will need to merge the results files for the second run to be of use. The script in ./scripts/merge_results.py can be used to do this.

To make sure the correct files are merged all results will execute a job with seed 44 twice. If files are incorrect merged then the analysis will fail as the results for seed 44 will not match.

First, lets say you have already copied the results from the previous run on the cluster locally to your machine. This folder will be something like: "slp-algorithms-tinyos/results/".

  1. Move the existing results to another directory "slp-algorithms-tinyos/results//old"
  2. Copy results from the cluster using "./create copy-back"
  3. Move the new results to "slp-algorithms-tinyos/results//new"
  4. Move the first set of results back to where they were
  5. Run ./scripts/merge_results.py --results-dir "slp-algorithms-tinyos/results/" --merge-dir "slp-algorithms-tinyos/results//new"

You will need to manually remove the backup files which are left behind in case the merge goes wrong.

Deploying on a testbed

FlockLab Setup

You will need to register for an account at https://flocklab.ethz.ch The credentials you used to register will need to be saved in a file at "~/.flocklabauth" with the format of the file:


Replace username and password with the username and password that you registered with.

FiT IoT-Lab Setup

Install the python tools by following the instructions at https://github.com/iot-lab/iot-lab/wiki/CLI-Tools-Installation The current release (2.4.0) can be checked at this website: https://github.com/iot-lab/cli-tools/releases

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
wget -qO - https://github.com/iot-lab/cli-tools/archive/[release_version].tar.gz | tar xz
cd cli-tools-[release_version] && sudo python setup.py install

Authenticate your account:

auth-cli -u <username>

w-iLab.t Setup

Download jfed (see: http://jfed.iminds.be/downloads). You must make sure you have Java 8 installed.

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys E7F4995E 
sudo echo "deb http://jfed.iminds.be/deb-repo stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jfed.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jfed 

Download your certificate from https://authority.ilabt.iminds.be/getcert.php

Profiling the code

Simulator framework profiling

Perform the analysis:

python -OO -m cProfile -o s1.prof ./run.py ...

View the results:

./scripts/analyse_prof.sh s1.prof

TinyOS profiling

Install the dependences:

sudo apt-get install google-perftools
sudo pip install yep

Perform the analysis:

python -OO -m yep -o t1.prof -- ./run.py ...

Visualise the call tree:

google-pprof -gv $(which python) t1.prof