
MCC-CSClub website development repository.

Primary LanguageHTML



Adding a new member to the member list:


  • It is very simple to add a member to the member list. All one must do is:

    • Fork this repository
    • Create a new markdown (*.md) file in the /members directory that follows the naming covention firstName_lastName.md
    • Edit the created markdown file so it contains the information shown below
    • Create a pull request to merge your changes back onto the live site

    After your pull request is accepted, your information will appear on the site within minutes.

name: Your first and last name.
short_bio: A short bio about yourself
image_url: An image url for your membership picture
role: A number ranging from 0 to 8 (Optional) **
website: Your website URL (Optional)
github: Your GitHub username (Optional)
discord: Your Discord username and number (Optional) *

* Not currently shown on the website even if it is added to the member's file.

** Due to certain restrictions with the technology, roles must be defined as an integer key which maps a member to their respective role.

Click to see the list of possible roles
  • (0) -> Advisor
  • (1) -> President
  • (2) -> Vice-President
  • (3) -> ICC Representative
  • (4) -> Secretary
  • (5) -> Treasurer
  • (6) -> Project Manager
  • (7) -> Event Coordinator
  • (8) -> Social Media Manager
  • All other members are sorted using lexicographic order by first name.

Adding a project to the project list:


  • It is also very simple to add a project to the project list. Similarly to adding a new member, all one must do is:
  • Fork this repository
  • Create a new markdown (*.md) file in the /projects directory that follows the naming convention projectName.md
  • Edit the created markdown file so it contains the information shown below
  • Create a pull request to merge your changes back onto the live site

After it is accepted, your information will appear within minutes.

name: Your project's name
short_bio: A short bio about the project
image_url: An image url for your project logo
website: Your project's website url (Optional)
github: Your project's GitHub organization name (Optional)