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Tri-objective combinatorial optimization problems

Instances and results for the paper N. Forget, K. Klamroth, S. L. Gadegaard, A. Przybylski, and L. R. Nielsen, “Branch-and-bound and objective branching with three objectives,” Optimizaton Online, 2020. Online. The paper consider instances for tri-objective combinatorial (binary) optimization problems. Problem classes considered are Knapsack (KP), Assignment (AP) and Uncapacitated Facility Location (UFLP).

Test instances

Instances are named Forget20_[problemClass]_[n]_[p]_[rangeOfCosts]_[costGenerationMethod]_[constaintId]_[id].raw where

  • problemClass is either KP (knapsack problem), AP (assignment problem), UFLP (Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem).
  • n is the size of the problem.
  • p is the number of objectives.
  • rangeOfCosts: Objective coefficient range e.g. 1-1000.
  • costGenerationMethod: Either random or spheredown, sphereup, 2box. For further details see the documentation function genSample in the R package gMOIP.
  • constaintId: Same id if constraints are the same.
  • id: Instance id running within the constraint id.

Raw format description

All instance files are given in raw format (a text file). An example for a Production Planning Problem is:

10 1 3 10 30

maxsum maxsum maxsum 

10 1 9 1 1 9 3 10 2 9 
4 9 1 7 7 2 8 3 10 3 
9 4 10 3 4 8 1 9 4 7 

13 5 5 9 10 11 14 15 12 10 

1 52

The general format is defined as:

n m p nZero nZeroObj







  • n is the number of variables.
  • m is the number of constrains.
  • p is the number of objectives.
  • nZero is the number of non-zero coefficients in the constraint matrix.
  • nZeroObj is the number of non-zero coefficients in the objective matrix.
  • objectiveTypes is the nature of the objectives to be optimized. An identifier should be added for each objective, and it should be done in the same order as in the objective matrix. Four types are supported:
    • maxsum: maximise a sum objective function
    • minsum: minimise a sum objective function
  • objectiveCoefficientMatrix is a p x n matrix defining the coefficients of the objective functions
  • constraintMatrix is a m x n matrix defining the coefficients of the constraints
  • rHSMatrix is a m x 2 matrix defining the right-hand side of the constraints. For each constraint, two numbers are required:
    • The second number is the actual value of the right-hand side of the constraint
    • The first number is an identifier that is used to define the sign of the constraint. Three identifiers can be used: 0 for >= constraints, 1 for <= constraints and 2 for = constraints.


Restults are given in the results folder using the json format (see Step 3).