Bicriterion linear assignment problems

The paper consider 10 instances for the classical bi-objective linear assignment problem.

Test instances

Instances are named Tuyttens_AP_n<n>.<raw/xml> where n is the size of the problem. The paper considers instances of size 5-50; however, the instance set also contains 5 instances of size 60-100. Costs are generated random in [0,19].

All instance files are given in both xml and raw format. The xml format is self explainable (see e.g. ex1).

Raw format description

We use the following parameter names:

  • $n$ = dimension/size
  • $c^{k}_{r,c}$ = $k$'th cost of assigning row $r$ to column $c$.

The instances have the following format:

c^{0}_{0,0}... c^{0}_{0,n-1}
c^{0}_{1,0}... c^{0}_{1,n-1}
c^{0}_{n-1,0}... c^{0}_{n-1,n-1}
c^{1}_{0,0}... c^{1}_{0,n-1}
c^{1}_{1,0}... c^{1}_{1,n-1}
c^{1}_{n-1,0}... c^{1}_{n-1,n-1}

That is, first the dimension, then the costs for the first criterion and next the cost for the second criterion.