
This blockchain application proves the authenticity of the coffee by using ethereum blockchain, it is a supply chain application where an item goes through 8 steps, the application has also 4 user roles, farmer, distributor, retailer and the consumer.

Supply chain steps

Harvest by the Farmer Processed by the Farmer Pack by the Farmer ForSale by the Farmer Sold by the Distributor Shipped by the Distributor Received by the Retailer Purchased by the Consumer

to run the application follow these steps, make sure you have a metamask wallet

npm install

to run the application frontend follow these steps

cd app/src npm install npm run dev

Libraries Built with

Truffle v5.1.13 As I was using the ethereum blockchain, this library helped me to develop and test my application using mocha and chai, it also helped me to deploy the application on the rinkeby network.

web3 v1.2.4 For me to interact with my contract deployed on ethereum, I had to use web3 which provides an API to use so we can easily interact with the blockchain.

Supply Chain Contract address


Supply Chain Transaction ID
