- 0
Overfitting in VideoMAE Model Fine-Tuning for Binary Classification on Home Camera Footage
#129 opened by tgcandido - 0
#128 opened by DragonWang-cell - 1
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length of video
#127 opened by kimsekeun - 1
TypeError: VisionTransformer.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pretrained_cfg'
#126 opened by FVT34U - 2
VideoMAE might not be a useful model for video reconstruction? Or perhaps it only learns the most generic distribution within patches?
#120 opened by apptcom1123 - 2
KeyError: 'model'
#119 opened by fengjingchehu - 1
#122 opened by kffeng - 1
- 0
- 0
How to conduct zero-shot evaluations?
#125 opened by XuecWu - 1
How to convert .pth to .bin
#118 opened by fengzi456258 - 0
After obtaining the .pth file from training, how do I convert it into a .bin file for performing inference?
#123 opened by caojiehui - 5
Issue Encountered When Loading the Model: "pretrain_videomae_base_patch16_224"
#105 opened by bbbdbbb - 0
How to use VideoMAE for video regression task?
#121 opened by YuHoChau - 1
#90 opened by Malitha123 - 1
#110 opened by xiaoli4881 - 0
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- 0
AttributeError: module 'torch._C' has no attribute '_get_privateuse1_backend_name'
#114 opened by abhisheksushil2003 - 0
the numberi of rebuild images is too small
#113 opened by TuuSiwei - 0
Rebuild Video
#112 opened by TuuSiwei - 0
HMDB checkpoint
#111 opened by azabelo - 2
- 0
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video xxx not correctly load during training
#108 opened by JinChow - 0
License of Kinetics-400
#107 opened by joaopaulq - 0
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About the encoder layer output
#104 opened by Shar-01 - 0
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Can I fine-tine it on a video dataset of 32 frames?
#102 opened by Ha0Tang - 0
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Questions about performence on ssv2
#99 opened by wnzhyee - 5
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BUG: Incorrect temporal indexing?
#97 opened by rosenfeldamir - 4
could you please provide me the weight of VideoMAE pre-trained on Kinetics-400,I want to use the the weight to extract the features of the thumos14
#95 opened by Value-Jack - 2
The dataset files in the link are not available
#96 opened by Sumutan - 3
How many videos are in your validation set?
#94 opened by Sumutan - 0
About pre-trained models
#91 opened by 972821054 - 0
ViT-S and ViT-H models on huggingface
#88 opened by sandstorm12 - 0
MoCoV3 Training Configuration
#87 opened by fmthoker - 0
Can VideoMAE be used to learn the motion characteristics and appearance characteristics of objects in videos?
#86 opened by summersnowfish - 1
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learnable position embedding
#83 opened by kun-dragon - 2
ssv2 dataset acc
#75 opened by an1018 - 1
dataloader hinder the training speed
#81 opened by valencebond - 1
VIT-S initilization
#80 opened by G-JWLee - 0
why do not you use [CLS] token?
#78 opened by LinB203 - 1
Can't download SSv2 ViT-B pre-trained model
#74 opened by sunilhoho