
ScreenlyManager provides a command-line interface for working with the Screenly OSE API

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


ScreenlyManager is a cross-platform commandline program written using .NET Core 2.2 to facilitate management of Screenly OSE installations.

The latest release is Version 1.0.1.

Current features:

  • Uses Screenly OSE API v1 to support most installations.
  • List all of the expiration date and names of slides on a particular installation.
  • List all of the expiration date and names of slides older than a certain number of days.
  • Remove all slides older than a certain number of days.
  • Support using the password protection feature via HTTP Basic authentication (note: not encrypted if you aren't using TLS!)
  • Can be provided with a list of IP addresses or hostnames or a single IP address or hostname.
  • Settings can be specified on the commandline or via environment variables (so it can be run in Docker).


Command line

  • ScreenlyManager.exe -h - Show help information.
  • ScreenlyManager.exe -v - Show the current application version.
  • ScreenlyManager.exe -a: - List all assets on the Screenly OSE instance listening at
  • ScreenlyManager.exe -a: -u:dan -p:koala - List all assets using login "dan" and password "koala".
  • ScreenlyManager.exe -ls:30 - Prompt for IP addresses/host names and list slides that are 30 days or more expired.
  • ScreenlyManager.exe -a:, -rm:30 - Remove all slides that are 30 days or more expired on the two listed instances.

Environment variables

  • SCREENLY_ADDRESS - same as the -a option: a single or comma-separated list of IP addresses or hostnames.
  • SCREENLY_API - URL to the Screenly OSE API to use with {0} in place of the host name, defaults to http://{0}/api/v1/assets.
  • SCREENLY_USER - same as the -u option: a username to use for password-protected installations.
  • SCREENLY_PASSWORD - same as the -p option: a password to go with the username for password-protected installations.
  • SCREENLY_LIST - same as the -ls option: an integer number of days to check for expired slides.
  • SCREENLY_REMOVE - same as the -rm option: an integer number of days to remove expired slides.


If you already have a server environment running Docker, it may be easier to use ScreenlyManager through a Docker image. Here are some sample commands:

  • docker run --rm -e SCREENLY_ADDRESS=, mcld/screenlymanager - List all assets on the Screenly OSE instances listening at and
  • docker run --rm -e SCREENLY_ADDRESS= -e SCREENLY_REMOVE=30 mcld/screenlymanager - Remove all slides that are 30 days or more expired on the Screenly OSE instance listening at
  • docker run --rm --env-file screenly.env mcld/screenlymanager - Run ScreenlyManager using the configuration specified in the screenly.env Docker environment file.
  • docker rmi mcld/screenlymanager:latest && docker pull mcld/screenlymanager:latest - Upgrade to the latest Docker image of ScreenlyManager.


ScreenlyManager source code is Copyright 2019 by the Maricopa County Library District and is distributed under The MIT License.