
Simple Snake Game project, created with Godot Engine.

Primary LanguageGDScriptCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

snake.gd • made with Godot 4.2

A port of this silly game, dating back the 1970s.


For a version of this same project made with Godot Engine 3.5, switch to the godot-3.x branch. However, that version of the project is deprecated and will not get more updates.


Se preferir, uma tradução deste mesmo texto está disponível em português brasileiro.


Hi! This was my first stab at a full game project made with Godot, so bear with me. After reading many tutorials to get the hang of it, I needed something quick and easy to practice the stuff I've just learned. Because I'm a "very" creative person, I ended making the same thing again. [...]

Here we are again, foursix years later, repeating the same mistake 😂

However, the original project had its share of issues, so I decided to take off the dust and see what could be salvaged from it. It has been rewritten from scratch for the most part, but the basic stuff is still there. Most of the code is annotated, so anyone just starting their gamedev journey with Godot Engine can follow along and learn a thing or two.


The original project, written back in 2018, is available in the master branch of this repository.

Playing the game

For those who need an introduction: guide the snake, collecting the tiny pieces of food that appear scattered around the board. Every time the snake feeds, it grows a little. The game pace speeds up gradually. If it hits against its own body – or it accomplishes the impossible mission of conquering the whole board – it's game over.

To play the game, just open the project in Godot Engine and hit F5. The application resembles a mobile interface, though its also fully controllable with the keyboard:

  • In the title screen: press Enter to start a new game, or ESC to end the application.

  • Inside the game: Move the snake using the left () and right () arrow keys. Hit Enter to pause or resume the game at any time.

The game saves your best score at the end of the session.


All art and source code are shared under the terms of the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal license.