

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


  1. simpleio
  • Implements io operations in a style similar to Java/C#/Pascal using templates and overloads.
  • Includes wide versions of each function family specified by "w" prefix.
  • input functions have two modes:
    • io::mode::RETRY, which is the default and requests a newline after invalid input
    • io::mode::THROW, which is passed via template parameter and throws io::ioex on invalid input
  1. cxmem
  • wraps C allocation functions in a type safe and class safe set of functions.
  • like new, they are not compatible with other allocation strategies (new and malloc, delete and free, etc)
  • similar functionality as new, but with added benefit of being resizable.
  • mem::alloc has a basic void* overload which can be used as a replacement for std::malloc, and guarantees sizeof(void)==1
    • accepts a mem::rawset template parameter
      • mem::rawset::NONE, is the default and calls malloc
      • mem::rawset::ZERO zeroes the memory
  • mem::alloc calls constructors
    • Can construct from an initializer list, which accepts a mem::mode template argument
      • mem::mode::COPY, is the default and copy constructs from the list
      • mem::mode::MOVE, attempts a const move construct, same as COPY if T does not implement a const move constructor
      • mem::mode::UB_MOVE. const_casts and attempts move construct via undefined behavior, should not be used and exists for testing purposes only.
    • Can emplace construct N elements from variadic args, all to the same values
  • mem::dealloc null sets argument unlike free and delete
  • mem::dealloc has basic void* specialization which can be used as a replacement for std::free
  • mem::dealloc calls destructors
  • mem::size gets the element count of an array allocated with mem::alloc. undefined behavior if array was allocated otherwise.
  • mem::grow has basic void* overload which can be used to increase arr by N elements (similar to upwards realloc)
    • accepts a mem::rawset template parameter
      • mem::rawset::NONE, is the default and does not zero new bytes
      • mem::rawset::ZERO zeroes new bytes
  • mem::grow calls constructors on new elements
    • Can construct from an initializer list, which accepts a mem::mode template argument
      • mem::mode::COPY, is the default and copy constructs from the list
      • mem::mode::MOVE, attempts a const move construct, same as COPY if T does not implement a const move constructor
      • mem::mode::UB_MOVE. const_casts and attempts move construct via undefined behavior, should not be used and exists for testing purposes only.
    • Can emplace construct N elements from variadic args, all to the same values
  • mem::shrink has basic void* specialization which shrinks an array by N elements (similar to downwards realloc)
  • mem::shrink calls destructors for removed elements
  • mem::copy(arr,src) has basic void* overload that copies mem::size(arr) bytes from src to arr
  • mem::copy(arr) has basic void* overload that allocates, sets, and returns a complete copy of arr
  • mem::copy(arr,src) destructs original elements and copy constructs mem::size(arr) elements from src to arr
  • mem::copy(arr) allocates, copy constructs, and returns a complete copy of arr
  • mem::move(arr,src) destructs original elements and move constructs mem::size(arr) elements from src to arr
  • mem::set destructs original elements and sets them to new values
    • Can emplace construct N elements from variadic args, all to the same values
      • requires start position and number of elements to replace before variadic args
    • Can construct from an initializer list, which accepts a mem::mode template argument, and optionally accepts a start pos arument
      • mem::mode::COPY, is the default and copy constructs from the list
      • mem::mode::MOVE, attempts a const move construct, same as COPY if T does not implement a const move constructor
      • mem::mode::UB_MOVE. const_casts and attempts move construct via undefined behavior, should not be used and exists for testing purposes only