
Windows/Linux portable exceptions library for C

Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

SLJEX (SetJump LongJump EXceptions) Library

A (believed to be) C99 standards compliant, thread-safe C exceptions library



make examples


make install

Basic usage

  • call sljex_init() exactly once, before using any of the library's features.
  • sljex is deinitialized on normal termination using atexit.
  • try, catch, catchany, can all take either a block or a single statement.
  • finally is a mandatory ending keyword that automatically cleans up the exception state and checks for unhandled exceptions
  • exceptions are thread-local, so you cannot catch exceptions from other threads.
  • the exstr value is used as-is, no allocated copy is performed.
  • using throwWithMsg, exstr is equal to the message passed, using throw, exstr is equal to the excode argument stringized
    • (throw(EXGENERIC) = {.excode = EXGENERIC, .exstr = "EXGENERIC"})
  • sljex_excode and sljex_exstr can be used (only) inside catch/catchany blocks to get the excode and accompanying exstr of the caught exception.
    • Calling them outside these blocks will exit the program with an error.
  • using rethrow outside of catch/catchany will exit the program with an error.

Important considerations

  • sljex is subject to the limitations of setjmp & longjmp, therefore (since try calls setjmp,) modifying any non-volatile local variables in the try block renders them inaccessible if an exception is caught (, which calls longjmp). EX:
int i = 4;
    i = 6;/*makes i invalid outside of try block if catchany executes*/
    i = 4;/*undefined behavior*/
i = 5;/*undefined behavior if an exception was caught above*/
  • new exception type values should always be greater than EXGENERIC, and can never be 0.
  • finally exists to manage exception states and panic when exceptions go unhandled, and will not execute the following block when a catch is returned from, unlike in C#.
    • (finally{} == finally;{})
  • exceptions automatically propagate through functions only when outside of a try block.
    • If any exception is uncaught in a try block, the program will exit and report an unhandled exception. Exceptions must be explicitly rethrown in this case. EX:
void func1(void){
//will exit the program since EXGENERIC goes unhandled
void func2(void) {
//rethrows any unexpected exceptions
//to propagate to another handler
void func2_fixed(void) {
  • the library is deinitialized using atexit, and thus should not be loaded using dlopen (unix), LoadLibrary (win32), or similar, which may unload the library before calling atexit (will likely SIGSEGV)

Implementation Notes

Since exception memory is cleaned up in only 3 conditions:

  1. start of a finally statement
  2. when throw is used
  3. when program exits normally (deinits entire library)
  4. start of try block (could, currently doesn't)

Catching an exception in a function and returning from the function inside the catch block results in an allocated exception state being marked as used, but not yet released until one of the 3 conditions occur.

Therefore returning from a catch results in a temporary fixed-size memory leak, but it is cleaned up when one of the 3 conditions occur.