Discord HTML Transcripts is a node.js module to generate nice looking HTML transcripts. Processes discord markdown like bold, italics, strikethroughs, and more. Nicely formats attachments and embeds. Built in XSS protection, preventing users from inserting html tags.
This module is designed to work with discord.js v13.
HTML Template stolen from DiscordChatExporter.
const discordTranscripts = require('discord-html-transcripts');
// or (if using typescript) import * as discordTranscripts from 'discord-html-transcripts';
const channel = message.channel; // or however you get your TextChannel
// Must be awaited
const attachment = await discordTranscripts.createTranscript(channel);
files: [attachment]
const discordTranscripts = require('discord-html-transcripts');
// or (if using typescript) import * as discordTranscripts from 'discord-html-transcripts';
const messages = someWayToGetMessages(); // Must be Collection<string, Message> or Message[]
const channel = someWayToGetChannel(); // Used for ticket name, guild icon, and guild name
// You do not need to await this
const attachment = discordTranscripts.generateFromMessages(messages, channel);
files: [attachment]
Both methods of generating a transcript allow for an option object as the last parameter.
const attachment = await createTranscript(channel, {
limit: -1, // Max amount of messages to fetch.
returnBuffer: false, // Return a buffer instead of a MessageAttachment
fileName: 'transcript.html' // Only valid with returnBuffer false. Name of attachment.
const attachment = await generateFromMessages(messages, channel, {
returnBuffer: false, // Return a buffer instead of a MessageAttachment
fileName: 'transcript.html' // Only valid with returnBuffer false. Name of attachment.