
project23-24-04 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


State shortly what you did during each week. Just a table with the main results is enough. Remind to upload a brief presentation (pptx?) at virtual campus. Do not modify the previous weeks code. If you want to reuse it, just copy it on the corespondig week folder.

Task1 work

In this task we worked on implementing and improving the Bag of Visual Words(BoVW) method. The code in Task1/BagofVisualWords.ipynb implements the Bag of Visual Words (BoVW) algorithm for image classification. Helper functions for data loading, creating k folds for k-fold crossvalidation, and metric calculation can be found in Task1/utils.py.

To install the dependencies create a virtual python environment and install the packages from the requirements.txt file using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The Task1/BagofVisualWords.ipynb notebook includes the following steps:

  • Loading and preprocessing the dataset
  • Extracting features using SIFT(Scale-Invariant Feature Transform), KAZE and dense-SIFT
  • Building a visual vocabulary using K-means clustering with various amounts of clusters
  • Encoding images using the Bag of Visual Words representation
  • Training and evaluating several classifiers on the encoded features using the Optuna library for parameter optimization
  • Attempting to further improve the best performing models using dimensionality reduction and spatial pyramids

The main results of this work include the successful implementation of the BoVW algorithm and the evaluation of its performance on the dataset.

  • Best KNN accuracy: 0.830
  • Best SVM accuracy: 0.843

The best KNN classification method used 512 clusters for the codebook, k=6 and Manhattan distance for the KNN classifier and 6-component LDA dimensionality reduction The best SVM classification method used 1024 clusters for the codebook, the linear kernel for the SVM classifier and 64 or 128 components in PCA for dimensionality reduction(both acheved equal accuracy).

Task2 work

This week's task was to firstly train an MLP to classify images, and then feed the intermediary activations of the MLP to an SVM or BoVW to classify the image. We first defined multiple architectures of MLP-s and tested them with various image sizes and hyperparameters in gridsearch_neuralnets.py. After obtaining the best combination of architecture and hyperparameters we extracted the activations of the network at a hidden layer to obtain feature vectors of length 256 for each image. In svm.ipynb and bow.ipynb we use gridsearch to obtain the best parameters for either method.

As is visible below none of our our methods developed this managed to outperform those of the previous week, indicating that robust visual descriptors such as SIFT are better at extracting visual features of images for classification than our trained MLP.

Method/Classifier Accuracy Task Number
BoVW + SVM 0.843 1
BoVw + KNN 0.830 1
MLP + SVM 0.649 2
MLP 0.633 2
MLP + BoVW 0.592 2

Task3 work

This week's tasks were to:

  • Train a classifier using a pretrained Backbone - we were assigned the InceptionResNetV2 backbone
  • Alter the architecture of the Backbone or subsequent layers and attempt to increase performance
  • Train the best performing architecture on a small version of the dataset

Our best performing model was the one trained for Task 0, as for Task 1 we focused on making the Backbone lighter by bypassing the last few Inception blocks We chose this approach as we noticed that the InceptionResNetV2 backbone was the heaviest backbone out of all the ones assigned to groups and we made an attempt achieving identical or better accuracy while using less layers.

Below are the results of our experiments from this week and the previous weeks, a clear improvement in performance was observed even when using an small dataset (approx 80% of the size of the original dataset)

Method/Classifier Accuracy Task Number Dataset
BoVW + SVM 0.843 1 MIT_split
BoVw + KNN 0.830 1 MIT_split
MLP + SVM 0.649 2 MIT_split
MLP 0.633 2 MIT_split
MLP + BoVW 0.592 2 MIT_split
InceptionResnetV2 (Best) 0.94 3 MIT_split
InceptionResnetV2 (Finetune Backbone) 0.92 3 MIT_split
InceptionResNetV2 0.89 3 MIT_small_1

Task4 work

This week's tasks was to build and train a classifier from scratch while maximizing the following ratio: accuracy / (#parameters/100k). Therefore, our goal was to reduce as possible the number of parameters to be learnt without compromissig too much the validation accuracy.

After testing different architectures, we finally consolidated a simple model compound of two hidden layers of Convolutions + MaxPooling operations. We achieved a validation accuracy of 39%, that was significantly increased by applying data augmentation techniques.

Below are the results of our experiments from this and previous weeks. As expected, we see that best results where achieved in Week 3, when using pre-trained backbone model to train our classifier.

Method/Classifier Accuracy Task Number Dataset
BoVW + SVM 0.843 1 MIT_split
BoVw + KNN 0.830 1 MIT_split
MLP + SVM 0.649 2 MIT_split
MLP 0.633 2 MIT_split
MLP + BoVW 0.592 2 MIT_split
InceptionResnetV2 (Best) 0.94 3 MIT_split
InceptionResnetV2 (Finetune Backbone) 0.92 3 MIT_split
InceptionResNetV2 0.89 3 MIT_small_1
Custom CNN - baseline 0.39 4 MIT_small_1
Custom CNN - pretrained + data augmentation 0.66 4 MIT_small_1
Custom CNN - pretrained + data augmentation + CutMix 0.63 4 MIT_small_1