Knob/Dial Control and Power Button with mouse, wheel, touch and keyboard (← ↑ → ↓ ) support.
It also includes 5 default countdown timers preset to: 15sec, 1min, 5min, 10min, 15min.
Live example page:
Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | 9+ ✔ | Latest ✔ | 8.0+ ✔ |
Tested in latest Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Mobile Safari \
- Canvas-based, no image files required.
- Mouse, wheel, touch and keyboard controls.
You can install through npm and use browserify to make it run on the browser.
npm install --save dino-knob
$ yarn add dino-knob
Or just download the minified version here.
- Normal left click / drag / touch changes value, releasing button commits value.
- Pulling mouse / touch outside the element before release restores back to old value.
- 5 x Timer Output Switch - 15 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes / all preset \
- 1 x Button Output Switch ON / OFF \
- 1 x Range Knob / Can be used as Lights DIMMER - Output values from 0 - 100% and 0 to 255 PWM
// Theme Light or Dark
theme: 'dark',
// Circle range Bar style:
// (Hot, Cold or Mono, yellow, blue, red, green)
barTheme: 'blue',
// Step Value of the Knob
snap: 5,
// Knob Display Max Value as 100%
maxValue: 100,
// Max angle value, for alarm icon
maxAlarm: 50,
// Enable Timer Button
showTimer: true,
// Enable Alerts Button
showAlert: true,
// Enable Labels Button
showLabel: true,
// Enable Debug
debug: true,
// Event on knob turn - change
onTurn: function(dinoId, value, percent, degree, ratio)
$("#range1").val($("#KnobExample1 input[type=hidden]").val());
onStatus: function(dinoId, state, timerState, timerTime)
$("#stp1").val(timerTime + ' seconds');
onTimer: function(dinoId, timeLeft)
$("#still1").val(timeLeft + ' seconds');
onError: function(dinoId, error)
// Return knob errors
// Depends on maxAngle, set to max of 255 default
$("#KnobExample1 input[type=checkbox]").prop('checked', true).trigger('change');
$("#KnobExample1 input[type=hidden]").val(255).trigger('change');
$("#range1").val($("#KnobExample1 input[type=hidden]").val());
You may update both the maxAngle value
($("#KnobTest1 input[type=hidden]").val(255).trigger('change');
and the button state value
($("#KnobTest1 input[type=checkbox]").prop('checked', true).trigger('change')
programmatically in your script to display new values.
Variable | Type |
id | String |
value | int |
percent | int |
degree | int |
ratio | int |
state | bool |
timerState | bool |
timerTime | int |
timeLeft | int |
error | String |
- Based on
- Icon Fonts created with Fontello Icons