
ChessBic but in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Chess 2.0 - Server

Project using Rust and gRPC for a Chess server.

Build db docker

docker run --name postgres -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin postgres

Manually connect to DB

docker exec -it postgres bash
psql -U postgres

Build project docker

docker build -t chessbicos .
docker run -it --network=host --name chessbicos chessbicos

Clean-up Docker

docker kill postgres
docker container rm postgres
docker kill chessbicos
docker image rm -f chessbicos
docker container rm chessbicos

Generate Entities

sea-orm-cli generate entity \
    -u postgres://postgres:admin@localhost:5432/postgres\?sslmode=disable \
    -o entity/src

Database schema
