
Javascript Password Generator

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Javascript Password Generator

This is a simple Password generator as the name suggests. Password generator page on Load

When you click on the "Generate Password" button a window will open asking you to input your desired password length.

Password generator password length Input

This password must be at minimum 8 characters and at maximum 128 characters. If outside these parameters it will give an error alert window.

Password generator password length Error

After you enter a valid length a series of windows will open asking you if you'd like to include a type of characters to include in your password. They are upper case characters, lower case characters, numbers, and special characters like "@", "!", or, ")".

Password generator Upper Case asking window Password generator Lower Case asking window Password generator Numbers asking window Password generator Special Characters asking window

If you have not selected any character options the following window will appear to alert you that a password cannot be generated.

No criterion selected error window

After you've made your choices your newly generated password will display in the text box above the Generate Password button.

New password displayed on page