
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ExpressJs Boilerplate

A brief description of what this project does and who it's for

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/MDAmir159/ExpressJs-Boilerplate.git

Go to the project directory

  cd server

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run devStart

Add .env file to root server directory. An example .env file is available named as .env.example for understanding. However, you can use it according to your own sysem.

API_HOST = localhost
API_USER = root
API_DATABASE = expressjs_boilerplate
API_PORT = 5000
BASE_LINK = http://localhost:5000

API Reference

At first you need to seed info for the super admin role. This is done by this POST request.

Seed the empty database

  POST /startUp/seed-data
Parameter Type Description
email string Required. Super Admin Email
password string Required. Super Admin Password

User Management

User Login

  POST /user/login
Parameter Type Description
email string Required. User Email
password string Required. User Password

Upon successful login with HTTP Status code 200(OK)

    "message": "SUCCESSFULLY LOGGED IN",
    "accessToken": <Bearer Auth Key>

For wrong credentials will leave this response with 403(FORBIDDEN)

    "message": "Invalid login credential"

User Sign Up

  POST /user/signup
Parameter Type Description
email string Required User Email
password string Required User Password

Upon successful login with HTTP Status code 201(CREATED)

    "message": "SUCCESSFULLY LOGGED IN",
    "accessToken": <Bearer Auth Key>

If the user with this email already exists then we will leave this response with 409(CONFLICT).

    "message": "USER ALREADY EXISTS"

User Profile Update

  POST /user/update-profile
Parameter Type Description
userName string User Name
name string User's full name
email string Required User email
phoneNumber string User's phone number
id string Required User Id

Upon successful login with HTTP Status code 200(OK)

    "message": "Updated Successfully"

If the user is not found with this email status, this response will be left with 404 (NOT FOUND).

    "message": "User Not Found"

If the user's info is not updated with this request, this response will be left with 304 (NOT MODIFIED).

    "message": "No record is updated"

Delete User

  POST /user/delete
Parameter Type Description
email string Required. User Email

Upon successful deletion with HTTP Status code 200 (OK)

    "message": "Deleted Successfully"

If the user is not found with this email sts then will leave this response with 404 (NOT FOUND).

    "message": "User Not Found"

If the user's info is not deleted with this request then will leave this response with 304 (NOT MODIFIED).

    "message": "No record is deleted"

Forgot Password

  POST /user/forgot-password
Parameter Type Description
email string Required User Email

Upon successful deletion with HTTP Status code 200 (OK)

    "message": "message sent"

Update Password

  POST /user/update-password
Parameter Type Description
email string Required User Email
currentPassword string Required Current Password
newPassword string Required New Password

Upon successful update with HTTP Status code 200 (OK)

    "message": "Updated Successfully"

For wrong credentials i.e. current password will leave this response with 403 (FORBIDDEN)

    "message": "Wrong Credentials are provided"

Role Management

Create Role (Authorized)

Super Admin Only

  POST /roles/create-role
Parameter Type Description
roleName string Required Name of new role

Upon successful update with HTTP Status code 201 (CREATED).

    "message": "Added role successfully"

If the role already exists on the database, then it will be a CONFLICT (409).

    "message": "Role Already exists"

Get All Roles

  GET /roles

Upon successful request, a response with HTTP Status code 200 (OK).

        "id": string,
        "name": string,
        "normalizedName": string,
        "isDefault": int,
        "isStatic": int,
        "isPublic": int,
        "entityVersion": int,
        "concurrencyStamp": string

