E-Commerce Backend

Coding assessment for M360ICT recruitment process.


Server Installation

To run this project on your local machine do follow the instructions

git clone https://github.com/MDAmir159/ecommerce-server.git
cd ecommerce-server

Necessary dependencies are inscribed in the package.json file. Now install the dependencies.

npm install

Add .env file to root server directory

API_HOST = localhost
API_USER = root
API_DATABASE = crud_test
API_PORT = 5000
BASE_LINK = http://localhost:5000/

Database setup

Openup a phpmyadmin server. There is a crud_test.sql file is available in e-mail as an attachment. Import on your phpmyadmin server. Database name should be as inscribed in the .env file.

Start running with Nodemon

Now, start the project on your local machine.

npm run devStart

Test the REST APIs

Openup POSTMAN app. There is a crud_test.postman_collection file is available in the attachment section of the email. Import it on your POSTMAN and there you can see necessary APIs to interact with the server.

API Reference

1) Get all colors with Description

  GET /color

2) Add a new color

  POST /color
Body Type Description
name string Required

3) Update color informations

PATCH /color
Body Type Description
colorId integer Required
name string Required

4) Delete color by id

DELETE /color/by_id
Body Type Description
colorId integer Required

5) Delete color by name

DELETE /color/by_name
Body Type Description
colorName string Required

6) Get all sizes with Description

  GET /size

7) Add a new size

  POST /size
Body Type Description
name string Required

8) Update size informations

PATCH /size
Body Type Description
sizeId integer Required
name string Required

9) Delete size by id

DELETE /size/by_id
Body Type Description
sizeId integer Required

10) Delete size by name

DELETE /size/by_name
Body Type Description
sizeName string Required

11) Get list of child nodes of a parent category (only available ones)

GET /category/adjacencyList

12) Update a category status

PATCH /category/updateCategoryStatus
Body Type Description
categoryId integer Required
statusId integer Required

13) Add a new category

POST /category/add_category
Body Type Description
name integer Required
parent_id integer Required
status_id integer Required

14) Update parent category

PATCH /category/update_parentCategory
Body Type Description
targetParent integer Required
replacedParent integer Required

15) Delete a category

DELETE /category/delete_category
Body Type Description
categoryId integer Required

16) Get products by a name

GET /product/search_by_name
Body Type Description
productName string Required

17) GET details of a specific product

GET /product/product_details
Body Type Description
productId integer Required

18) GET product list under a category

GET /product/productlist_by_category
Body Type Description
categoryId integer Required

19) GET product lsit under a category and other attributes

GET /product/productlist_by_category_and_attributes
Body Type Description
categoryId integer Required
size_id integer optional
color_id integer optional

20) Update product details

PATCH /product/update_product
Body Type Description
id integer Required
name string Required
color_id integer Required
size_id integer Required
leaf_category integer Required

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file







Thanks for reading