
Friends-blog is a simple, full responsive website. This website can serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas, opinions, and solutions to different problems among a group of people or a friend circle.

Why this?

  • Ease of use
  • Suitable for using among close peoples.
  • Easily can be used as an activity sharing system within a friend circle.

User Interfaces

  • Log In and Sign Up Anyone who wishes to use the site must should firstly log in to their accounts. If they don't already have one, anyone can join by creating a new account.

  • Home The homepage displays all of the articles that have been posted by all users. What other users have posted may be viewed by a user. A user's post can be liked and commented on by any other usesr. They can start a conversation this way.

  • Profile The profile is divided in two sections, Status and Settings

  • Status Users can see their own posts in this section.

  • Settings Settings portion allows the user to update their information provided as the user information while signing up.

Tech Used

Friends-blog uses a number of frameworks to work properly:

  • React.js- for front end development
  • React Redux - for frontend state manipulation
  • Node.js - evented I/O for the backend
  • Express - fast node.js network app framework


Friends-blog requires Node.js v10+ to run.

Install the dependencies for the front end side.

yarn install

After successfully installing all modules and dependecies run the following command in your current folder

yarn start

By default this project will run on your localhost:3000 port.


Want to contribute? Great!

  • Fork the project
  • Create your own featured branch
    git checkout -b feature/NewFeatures
  • Commit your changes
    git commit -m "feature/NewFeatures"
  • Push to the branch
    git push origin feature/NewFeatures
  • Open a pull request

Server Side

Here is the link to the server side repository [friends-blog-frontend] friends-blog-backend Enjoy !