About Project

```Project: Chat CLI with AI ```
``version: 1.0.1 ``
    `by: MDC `

$ Stack Techs:
- LLMs: Google: GoogleGenerativeAI
-Model: "gemini 1.0 pro"
- Nodejs version: >= 18
    I use node version for project: v20.10.0

setup project

step 1: git clone project from github
step 2: open project with vscode
step 3: run terminal: 
    "npm iinstall" at project.  // (install  packages for project)
step 4: create .env file and add your api key.
   The api key is generated from the account you use with google AI studio > in the API keys section.

Run project

run terminal: 
    "npm run dev" or "npm run start"

>>> 👌Enjoy the generative AI world😊