MNB Replication package

This repository contains the replication package and dataset of the paper entitled A Multinomial Naïve Bayesian (MNB) network to automatically recommend topics for GitHub repositories which has been published in the Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE '20)

All the resources, including the tool, the dataset, and the article have been realized by:

  • Claudio Di Sipio
  • Riccardo Rubei
  • Davide Di Ruscio
  • Phuong T. Nguyen

The paper is available here. A pre-print of the paper can be found here.

Setting the environment

To run the Python scripts, you need the following libraries:

  • scikit-learn 0.22.1
  • nltk 3.4.5
  • guesslang 0.9.3
  • tensorflow 1.6.0 (required by guesslang)
  • PyGithub 1.44

Notice that guesslang module requires Python 3.6. More information about this module can be found here

Code structure

This folder contains the source code of the tool structured as follows:

    |---         This file contains the MNB code to predict topics, including the topic aggregation phase
    |---     It contains all teh utilities to mine Github repositories
    |---   This module performs the language prediction
    |---        It is used to run the tools
    |---     It contains all necessary scripts to compute the metrics         

Crawler settings

To enable the crawler, you have to set a personal access token using the following function in

access_token = Github ("your token", per_page=100)

To generate an access token from your Github profile, please refer the following link

The optional parameter per_page is useful to paginate the results

Running the tool

In, you have to edit the following paths:

  • train_dir = "path_to_train_folder"
  • test_dir = "path_to_test_folder"

After the train data is loaded, you have to modify the following parameters in the predict_topics function:

  • dirs: the root folder that contains the test files
  • test_dir: the test folder for a single round
  • train_dir: the train folder for a single round
  • labels: the list of topics to predict
  • num_topics: number of predicted topics
  • list_test: a txt file that contains the name of repository to test (available together with the datasets)

The output is a CSV files with all the metrics presented in the work:

  • success rate (1..5)
  • precision
  • recall
  • top rank

Dataset and experiments

This link contains all the datasets used in the evaluation as well as the results in CSV format. The table below shows the composition for each dataset:

Dataset # of testing file # of training files
D1 134 1,206
D2 670 6,030
D3 1,340 12,060

As discussed in the paper, we have build three different dataset by variating the number of files used in the training phase as shown in the table above. The structure is the following:


    |--- test_files_D1/            It contains the test projects of D1 for each evaluation round
    |--- test_files_D2/            It contains the test projects of D2 for each evaluation round
    |--- test_files_D3/            It contains the test projects of D3 for each evaluation round

    |--- validation_10/            It contains the results computed for D1  
    |--- validation_50/            It contains the results computed for D2 
    |--- validation_100/           It contains the results computed for D3 

evaluation structure
    |--- ten_folder_10.rar/        The ten-folder structure for D1
    |--- ten_folder_50.rar/        The ten-folder structure for D2
    |--- ten_folder_100.rar/       The ten-folder structure for D3

How to cite

If you find our work useful for your research, please cite the paper using the following BibTex entry:

author = {{Di Sipio}, Claudio and Rubei, Riccardo and {Di Ruscio}, Davide and Nguyen, Phuong T.},
title = {A Multinomial Na\"{\i}ve Bayesian (MNB) Network to Automatically Recommend Topics for GitHub Repositories},
year = {2020},
isbn = {9781450377317},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3383219.3383227},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering},
pages = {71–80},
numpages = {10},
keywords = {GitHub topics, Recommender systems, Multinomial Na\"{\i}ve Bayesian network},
location = {Trondheim, Norway},
series = {EASE ’20}