
Demo Project for agile development based on PHP

Primary LanguageCSS

Welcome to the PHP Agile Demo Project

This sample code helps get you started with a PHP Slim Microservice

What's Here

This sample includes:

  • README.md - this file
  • BuildnumberTask and buildnumber.txt to calaculate buildnumber
  • phpunit.xml with phpunit configuration
  • build.xml with build targets
  • config - sample configuration of Microservice
  • sql - Database Setup
  • src - 4-layered Microservice
  • test - PHPUnit Tests

Getting Started

  1. Install PHP. See http://php.net/manual/en/install.php for details.

  2. Install composer. See https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md for details.

  3. Install the dependencies from composer.json

  4. Start the PHP development server:

     $ php -S localhost -t public index.php
  5. Open in a web browser to view your service.