

Hope is a beautiful thing.And when hope is based on science and evidence,it's even better.Easy detection of diseases right at your own home and providing required help to fight it.

E-Prognosis health application has been created with a vision of helping and assisting people in the prediction of harmful diseases right in their own homes. We all need to go through essential health and medical screenings regularly, at least for preventive action. Routine medical screenings may detect any causal health problems earlier, helping older adults to get the appropriate care or treatment before their conditions get worse. Through the use of technology, we have tried to provide a solution to this.


  • Detection Of Disease
  • Predict Insurance Cost
  • Health Blogs


Live Site - https://e-prognosis.herokuapp.com/

Video Demo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl_U9V-xPqo

Tech Stack

Client: React, Redux, SCSS

Server: Node, Express

Database: MongoDB

ML Models: Scikit-Learn, Flask

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file



Run Locally

Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/baibhav0305/ePrognosis.git
npm install

Client side

cd client
npm install
npm start

Start the server

npm start
