
Instagram clone using Firebase

Primary LanguageSwift


What does this app consist of?

This is an Instagram clone project that utilizes Google Firebase, Login/Registration, Custom Tab Bar Controller, Image Caching, Photos framework, AVFoundation, and more. The UI is all coded programmatically and does not use storyboards. This project has been updated to Swift 4 and currently in progress.

Why did I decide to build this project?

I wanted to challenge myself in a lot of different areas. Whether it was creating an efficient algorithm for gaining followers and following other users, designing a collection view profile page, or handling video streaming like IG Live Stories; there are so many interesting and fun challenges upon completing this project. I could have used the popular framework, IGListKit to provide an array of objects to display in the UICollectionView and make my life easier. However, I believe that creating this project all programmatically including the UI, makes me dive deeper to the UIKit and have more control of the app.