
Getting Started with the Springboot Order System application

Table of content

  • Introduction
  • Necessities
  • Installation Manual
    • Installing the needed applications
    • Installing the Order System application
    • Running the application
    • Running the tests
      • Without coverage
      • With coverage
  • Endpoints
  • Test users
  • Roles
  • JSON format examples
    • Authentication and authorisation
    • product
    • Image
    • Order
    • Stock location


This application is build for a one man business with the possibility to have a different user role for a representative (with limited access) in case of absence of the owner. The owner can create, read, update and delete products. A product can be assigned to a stock location. The representative can only read the orders and process a payment. Orders can be made containing user data and different products. The owner and representative can sign in so endpoints can be protected. Furthermore, images supporting the products can be uploaded and more.


  • Code editor to run the application. IntelliJ IDEA is used during development
  • Git repository link: https://github.com/MDentro/OrderSystem
  • Internet connection
  • Postman is used to test the endpoints
  • Four Postman collections with all the JSON details to test the endpoints
    • _OrderSystem Authentication and authorisation
    • _OrderSystem Order
    • _OrderSystem Product and image
    • _OrderSystem Stocklocation
  • Java version 17
  • Maven
  • Database

Installation Manual

Installing the needed applications


  • PostgreSQL as database with pgAdmin is used during development, but you can also use a different relational database .

Installing the Order System application

  • Step 1: Download or clone the application from Git: https://github.com/MDentro/OrderSystem
  • Step 2: After opening the project Maven will install the necessary dependencies. If this doesn't work automatically please go to the pom.xml file and press the "M" icon in the right corner of the page.
  • Step 3: PostgreSQL is used as a database. If you use a different database please install the right dependency by adding it to the pom.xml and press the "M" icon to install, also insert the correct replacements for all the following steps concerning PostgreSQL.
  • Step 4: In order to connect the application to PostgreSQL please go to the application properties (can be found in the resources' folder) and change the username and password to your own credentials.
  • Step 5: Create a database in PostgreSQL through pgAdmin with the name "OrderSystem".
  • Step 6: The application will run on localhost port 8090. Change this in the application properties (can be found at the top in the "resources" folder) if necessary.
  • Step 7: Run the application.

Running tests

There are two options for running the tests. Running with coverage or without. Please search for the "test" folder in the folder structure and open this. In IntelliJ IDEA it looks like this:


Running tests without coverage

Please press with your right mouse button on the folder marked with number 1 and then press with your left mouse button on number 2

Running tests with coverage

Please press with your right mouse button on the folder marked with number 1 and then hover on 2a and then move your mouse to 2b and press with your left mouse button.

In IntelliJ IDEA it looks like this:


Endpoints description Request URL Example value Role
Create a new user POST http://localhost:8090/users - ALL
Sign in user POST http://localhost:8090/auth - ALL
Display all products GET http://localhost:8090/products - ALL
Display all products by category GET http://localhost:8090/products?category=value cooking (of type String category) ALL
Display product by id GET http://localhost:8090/products/value 1001 (of type Long id) ALL
Create new product POST http://localhost:8090/products - ADMIN
Update product by id PUT http://localhost:8090/products/value 1001 (of type Long id) ADMIN
Delete product by id (delete image if exists) DELETE http://localhost:8090/products/value 1001 (of type Long id) ADMIN
Assign stock location to product PUT http://localhost:8090/products/value/stocklocation 1001 (of type Long id) ADMIN
Upload image by assigning to product (delete image if exists) POST http://localhost:8090/products/value/image 1001 (of type Long id) ADMIN
Download image by fileName GET http://localhost:8090/images/download/value aptitlig.jpg (of type String fileName) ALL
Create order POST http://localhost:8090/orders - ALL
Display order by id GET http://localhost:8090/orders/value 300 (of type Long id) ADMIN and USER
Display unpaid orders GET http://localhost:8090/orders - ADMIN and USER
Process payment PUT http://localhost:8090/orders/value 300 (of type Long id) ADMIN and USER
Create stock location POST http://localhost:8090/stocklocations - ADMIN
Delete stock location DELETE http://localhost:8090/stocklocations/value 100 (of type Long id) ADMIN
Display available stock locations GET http://localhost:8090/stocklocations - ADMIN

Test users

User name Password Role
admin admin@Test1 ADMIN
user user@Test1 USER


There are 3 roles in the application

  • The "GUEST" user doesn't need a login. This user can only request the product data (all, by category and by id) with the image. This person can also send an order.
  • The "USER" user needs a login. It is used by a representative in case of illness or holiday. This person can do the same things as a GUEST user and can also look at the orders and request a list with unpaid orders and process a payment.
  • The "ADMIN" user needs a login and can do everything the USER can but can also create/update/delete products and stock locations and upload images.

JSON format examples

There is a postman collection to test the endpoints. Below you can find a complete overview of all the JSON formats that can be used to address the endpoints.

Authentication and authorisation

Description: Create a USER
URL: http://localhost:8090/users
Type: POST
Role: ALL
Additional Information: Your password should contain 6 tot 15 characters with at least one digit, one upper case letter, one lower case letter and one special symbol (“@#$%”)

    "userName": "user1",
    "password": "user@Test1",
    "roles": ["USER"]

Description: Create an ADMIN
URL: http://localhost:8090/users
Type: POST
Role: ALL
Additional Information: Your password should contain 6 tot 15 characters with at least one digit, one upper case letter, one lower case letter and one special symbol (“@#$%”)

    "userName": "admin1",
    "password": "admin@Test1",
    "roles": ["ADMIN"]

Description: Login as a USER
URL: http://localhost:8090/auth
Type: POST
Role: ALL

    "userName": "user",
    "password": "user@Test1"

Description: Login as an ADMIN
URL: http://localhost:8090/auth
Type: POST
Role: ALL

    "userName": "admin",
    "password": "admin@Test1"


Description: Get all products
URL: http://localhost:8090/products
Type: GET
Role: ALL

    no body

Description: Get all products by category
URL: http://localhost:8090/products?category=cooking
Type: GET
Role: ALL

    no body
    only category in the url

Description: Get product by id
URL: http://localhost:8090/products/1001
Type: GET
Role: ALL

    no body
    only product id in the url

Description: Create new product
URL: http://localhost:8090/products
Type: POST
Authorisation header: Bearer Token

    "name": "nameTest",
    "price": "2.99",
    "category": "cooking",
    "description": "desciptionTest"

Description: Update product
URL: http://localhost:8090/products/1003
Type: PUT
Additional information: In order to update the image please reassign a new image by making use of the assign image to product endpoint
Authorisation header: Bearer Token

  "name": "nameUpdateTest",
  "price": "10",
  "category": "cooking",
  "description": "descriptionUpdateTest"

Description: Delete product
URL: http://localhost:8090/products/1006
Additional information: Only products that have never been ordered can be deleted, due to administration reasons.
Authorisation header: Bearer Token

    no body
    only product id in the url

Description: Assign stock location to product
URL: http://localhost:8090/products/1001/stocklocation
Type: PUT
Additional information: When assigning a new stock location to a product the old stock location will be released and set available.
Authorisation header: Bearer Token

  product id in url
  "id": "106"

Description: Assign image to product
URL: http://localhost:8090/products/1002/image
Type: POST
Additional information: When a product has an image assigned the new image will replace the old image and the old image will be deleted.
Authorisation header: Bearer Token

  Select form data for the body - please note the black box in the image below
  Give the key the name "file" - please note the area marked with number "1"
  Select an image  - please note the area marked with number "2"
  product id in the url



Description: Get image by id
URL http://localhost:8090/images/download/aptitlig.jpg
Type: GET
Role: ALL

    no body
    product name in the url


Description: Create order
URL: http://localhost:8090/orders
Type: POST
Role: ALL

    "firstName": "firstNameTest",
    "lastName": "lastNameTest",
    "email": "testEmail@mail.com",
    "phoneNumber": "06-12345678",
    "productIds": [1001, 1002, 1003]

Description: Get order by id
URL: http://localhost:8090/orders/1
Type: GET
Role: ADMIN and USER
Authorisation header: Bearer Token

    no body
    only order id in the url

Description: Get all unpaid orders
URL: http://localhost:8090/orders
Type: GET
Role: ADMIN and USER
Authorisation header: Bearer Token

    no body

Description: Process payment on an order
URL: http://localhost:8090/orders/300
Type: PUT
Role: ADMIN and USER
Authorisation header: Bearer Token

    no body
    only order id in the url

Stock location

Description: Create a stock location
URL: http://localhost:8090/stocklocations
Type: POST
Authorisation header: Bearer Token

    "location": "10.10.10"

Description: Delete a stock location
URL: http://localhost:8090/stocklocations/1
Authorisation header: Bearer Token

    no body
    only order id in the url

Description: Get all available stock location
URL: http://localhost:8090/stocklocations
Type: GET
Authorisation header: Bearer Token

    no body