Getting Started with the International Food Experience application


Table of content

  • Introduction
  • Necessities
  • Installation Manual
    • Installing the application
    • Running the application
    • Running tests
  • Sign Up
  • Sign In


Many people will ask themselves what they should eat today. This is why this application is useful. After registration people can log in and start searching for a nice recipe. If the user needs some inspiration they can choose for a rondom recipe. If the user doesn't like the random recipe they can press the button and get another.


There is also a search option for people that are looking for something more specific. Choose for category or origin and browse through the possibilities. When the choice is made it is time to start cooking or go shopping.

The application is mobile friendly, so it is also possible to search for a recipe in the supermarket.




  • Code editor to run the application
  • Git in order to acces the repository
  • Internet connection
  • No API key needed

Installation Manual

Installing the application

Step 1: Download the application.
Step 2: Run npm install in the terminal of you code editor.

Running the application

Step 1: Run npm start to start the application in the development mode.
Step 2: React should automatically open the application on http://localhost:3000/. If it doesn't work please go to your browser and insert the url manually.

Running tests

Run npm test in the terminal of you code editor.

Sign Up

In order to acces the application the user needs to register. Please fill in:


Sign In

After registration the user will be transferred to the Sign In Page. Please fill in:

  • Username: example: Marian
  • Password: example: Marian100
