Inventory Management using Northwind dataset Products Table
Inventory Management using Northwind dataset Products Table
A basic inventory management system solution
Project Details
Software Used :
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 community edition
SQL Server
Programming Language
Visual C# Programming language
Project Demonstration/Explanaition
The Login
The Main Window where you can view the inventory
The search bar can search by product name or ID, it can also allow dynamic search as you type.
Colour code can be activated at the search bar to show low stock which can be set on the Right lower corner
Form to add a new product
Form to update an existing product
Form to update an existing products quantity
Form to view Active products and option to deactivate the products
Form to view Inactive products and option to activate the products
Project Database Connectivity
Login database, used for login credentials. username: Admin0, password: Password
The main connection class
There are many ways to connect to a database.
For this project we used a custom connectivity class called DBConnect
This is the class you must modify for the system to work locally on your machine after install SQLServer and create the databases provide in the directory 'databaseInfo'
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;using System.Data.SqlClient;namespaceprojectIMSBasicWFA{classDBConnect{publicstringConnString="Data Source=[LOCAL_DATABASE_NAME]; Initial Catalog=Northwind; Integrated Security=True";publicstringSql{get;set;}publicstringSqlWhere{get;set;}publicSqlConnectionSqlConn{get;set;}publicSqlCommandCmd{get;set;}publicSqlDataAdapterDA{get;set;}publicstringtableName="";publicstringsearchProperty="";publicintsearchValue=0;publicDBConnect(stringtableName){Sql="SELECT * FROM "+tableName;SqlConn=new SqlConnection(ConnString);Cmd=new SqlCommand(Sql, SqlConn);DA=new SqlDataAdapter(Cmd);SqlCommandBuildercmdBuild=new SqlCommandBuilder(DA);}publicDBConnect(stringtableName,stringsqlWhere){Sql="SELECT * FROM "+tableName+" WHERE "+sqlWhere;SqlConn=new SqlConnection(ConnString);Cmd=new SqlCommand(Sql, SqlConn);DA=new SqlDataAdapter(Cmd);SqlCommandBuildercmdBuild=new SqlCommandBuilder(DA);}publicDBConnect(stringtableName,stringDatabase,stringsqlWhere){Sql="SELECT * FROM "+Database+".dbo."+tableName+" WHERE "+sqlWhere;SqlConn=new SqlConnection(ConnString);Cmd=new SqlCommand(Sql, SqlConn);DA=new SqlDataAdapter(Cmd);SqlCommandBuildercmdBuild=new SqlCommandBuilder(DA);}}}
The SQLServer Database setup
Two databases are used
Northwind (Free database from microsoft repository)
This was done to keep the Northwind DB as is while allowing for a login option for the system