
An intuitive and automated PHP microframework for building small web projects even faster.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Arcane is unconventional but beautifully intuitive. Develop web projects even faster by automating the features you want while making it easier to apply the ones you need, all with just one tiny file of ~11kb.

Arcane was designed to keep things as easy and minimal as possible, making it perfect for beginners and designers. This is not a full-featured framework and instead was created to provide a fast and flexible solution for building web projects with little to zero setup time. Simply upload Arcane's index.php within your root [or sub] directory and visit the file via your web browser.


curl -fsLO copy.arcane.dev/index.php


  • Clean URL Paths
  • Unique Routing
  • Flexible Structure
  • Autoload Helpers
  • Simple Localization
  • Layout Templates
  • Environment File
  • HTML Minification
  • Native PHP Code
  • Zero Dependency


├─ helpers/
│  ├─ blog/
│  │  └─ posts.php
│  └─ truncate.php
├─ images/
│  └─ logo.svg
├─ layouts/
│  └─ default.php
├─ locales/
│  ├─ en/
│  │  └─ en+us.json
│  ├─ es/
│  │  ├─ es+mx.json
│  │  └─ es-us.json
│  └─ us.php
├─ pages/
│  ├─ about.php
│  ├─ blog/
│  │  └─ index.php
│  ├─ contact.php
│  ├─ index.php
│  └─ services.php
├─ scripts/
│  ├─ pages/
│  │  └─ contact.js
│  └─ pages.js
├─ styles/
│  └─ default.css
├─ .env
├─ .htaccess
└─ index.php


Creating an issue on GitHub for reporting bugs is always appreciated.


Copyright 2017-2020 Joshua Britt under the MIT.