Chat filter for your Nukkit server!
# Use '§' or '&' to change the color of the message.
# Chat filter bypass permission: chatfilter.bypass
warning-message: '&cThere is a forbidden word in your message. &7You can get a mute for excessive matting!'
enable-warning-message: false
block-message: "&cYour message has been blocked. &7You can get a mute for excessive matting!"
enable-block-message: true
# Example: Hello will be replaced with ****
replace-symbol: '*'
# Available:
# 'block' - message blocking,
# 'replace' - replacing the message with stars,
# 'silent' - blocked message will only be visible to the sender.
filter-type: "replace"
# You can continue this list as long as you want just copy my examples above
- 'word 1'
- 'word 2'
- 'word 3'
Without filter:
With filter: