
My config!

Primary LanguageShell

Mark's Dotfiles

This is a repo of my .dotfiles configurations.

I have a number of things to note here:


I clone this whole repo into a .dotfile directory, and then link each individual file or directory back into $HOME/ Some support files are not meant to be linked, so they are either explicitly skipped in the scripts, or I prefix the name with NO_DOT

Some configurations are different for my various systems (e.g. work/home or mac/linux) I have factored out the differences into .local versions of files that are then included. For example, I have a .aliases file. This will have common aliases that I use all the time, like

alias sl="ls"

but also includes the lines

if [[ -s "$HOME/.aliases.local" ]]
  source "$HOME/.aliases.local"

My local aliases file might then have something like

alias tac="run some work-related test suite only to be used at company X, internally"
alias open="...some OS specific tool to open a file"

Dotfile Installation

To preview what dotfiles are going to get installed, run make list_dotfiles

To install the dotfiles, run 'make dotfiles'. This will link the appropriate dotfiles to the HOME directory. To link some common bin files to your $HOME/bin directory, run make bin. You can run make all to do both.

Oh!! You need to specify the target operating system, so runlike this:

make target_env=generic_ubuntu all


make target_env=home_macos all

Additional Installation Scripts

I've also got here some separate installation scripts that I want to run when I have a fresh new machine should probably get around to moving a bunch of this to ansible, but here we are.

These installation scripts install a bunch of packages (e.g. tmux, neofetch...) that I use all the time. Some packages are OS-dependant, and some are installed via sh scripts, some brew packages, some debian packages, etc.

I also install an SSH keyfile.

install/basic_insatll installs make and tools to anable further installation scripts to run. install/always_install installs oh-my-zsh, tmuxifier and updates the dotfile git repo. install/mac_install and install/unix_install install useful software that requires diffent installation methods on mac and linux. install/dev_install installs some useful tools I use during development work. It also sets up useful working directories that I commonly use when doing development work.

Installation on a new machine.

You might not have a bunch of useful tools (like git, or SSH keys..) when you have a fresh machine, so the recommended installation procedure follows:

You will need curl or wget, sudo and git (for installing homebrew) already installed.

Download the basic installation script from the Github repo:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MEHColeman/dotfiles/master/install/basic_install > basic_install
chmod +x basic_install

useful in order to continue install further software and install the dotfiles. You need to sudo this script if you're on unix.

Create an .ssh key pair

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mihaliak/ssh-manager/master/ssh-manager > ssh-manager

is a nice script to do this on a mac. Otherwise,

mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_unixboxname -C "mark@unixboxname"

Add this to other machines you need ssh access to, like github, bitbucket, or another development machine. For github, copy the public key, and add at https://github.com/settings/keys Or, gh auth login

For other hosts:

ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519_unixboxname username@machine.address

Next, clone the full repo into the .dotfile directory

gh repo clone MEHColeman/dotfiles $HOME/.dotfiles
cd $HOME/.dotfiles

Run the install/mac_install or install/unix_install script. These contain packages that are named differently, or have different installation methods on mac or linux environments.

For a HOME mac, also run the install/personal_mac_install script to install things like VLC, plex, mimestream, dropbox, etc. For a HOME unix box, you can run install/personal_unix_install.

Run ```install/util_install``. This contains runs for both mac and linux and installs useful packages like tig and glances, etc.

ln -s the appropriate local/* files into the .dotfile directory e.g.

ln -s local/gitconfig.local.imac_home gitconfig.local

Touch the files


You can use these later for stuff that shouldn't ever be in a git repo.

install/always_install will install oh-my-zsh, tmuxifier and update dotfile submodules and oh-my-zsh extensions

Now, finally, you can install the dofiles. (See above) Note that some .directories and .files (like .config) might have already been created in your $HOME directory during the installation process, so before you run the make command, you should delete them so that your .dotfiles version can replace it.

Also, [sudo] install/dev_install will install and configure vim and plugins and rbenv on both mac and linux

New installation additional checklist

  1. Install your web browser of choice.
  2. Install lastpass.

Mac Manual Installs

Some mac software is unavailable in homebrew or best installed via the app store. This includes:

  • 1Password
  • App Cleaner
  • Be Focused Pro
  • Docker
  • Drobo Dashboard
  • Evernote
  • Honeygain
  • Just Press Record
  • NeatDownloadManager
  • Neon
  • Paprika
  • Ring
  • Things
  • Tinkertool
  • uBlock

for rbenv and builder

sudo apt-get install autoconf bison build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev libgdbm3 libgdbm-dev

for neovim

sudo apt-get install libtool libtool-bin autoconf automake cmake g++ pkg-config unzip

for vim plugins

sudo apt-get python-dev exuberant-ctags

mkdir ~/.vim/bundle/ mkdir ~/.vim/_backup mkdir ~/.vim/_temp


A Makefile and Dockerfile exist in this directory to help create a little script testing environment.

Use make docker to create a test docker image called docker_dotfile_test

This will create a test container that will have the make all installation script run on it with a target of generic_ubuntu

Opening a shell with

docker container run -it --rm -v '/Users/mark/.ssh:/home/tester/.ssh' docker_dotfile_test

will run the container with local ssh keys available (so that git works)

Once running, run make list_dotfiles to check what files will be deleted and replaced by a symlink.

Currently, the oh-my-zsh directory is independent. It has some custom themes and plugins that you'll need!

See Also