
Dataset Used

This project uses the CTU-13 dataset which involves 13 scenarios of lablled network traffic data with normal and botnet traffic.


This project requires set of the following python modules:

  1. scipy
  2. numpy
  3. theano
  4. scikit-learn
  5. keras
  6. tensorflow

training and testing, saving model

To train the model, in the botdetector/src using the following commands

cd src

in interface, select .binetfile. after that, click train button. then,pickle file been made in the pickle directory and saved model been made in the model directory. !!!!!!! binetfile must be in dataset/, i.e 1.binetflow for scenario_1, 2.binetflow for scenario_2 , ...

attack type | saved model numbers IRC | 1,2,3,4,9,10,11 spam | 1,2,5,9,13 cf | 1,2,9 ps | 3,6,8,13 us | 3,4,10 http | 5,7,13 ddos | 4,10,11 p2pbotnet | 12

accuracy of models

acc_model = [95.74, 96.85, 97.79, 94, 95.69, 87.4, 99.69, 93.29, 94.99, 98.21, 99.9, 90.29, 94.5]

to test