
Example monorepo with Angular + Material + NgRx, Nest, GitHub oAuth ready to go!

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Monorepo Screenshot

Build instructions

(Instructions written within a Linux environment!)

  1. First run yarn and install all dependencies in each project: monorepo-example-api, monorepo-example-www and shared
  2. Build our local dependencies first by running yarn build in the shared project.
  3. Create an OAuth GitHub application to get a client_id and a client_secret to use in the next step.
  4. Make a file called .env based off of the .env-template file in the monorepo-example-api project (use your new app's client info from the previous step!) The .env file is ignored by git and should not be checked in.
  5. Run yarn start:dev in the monorepo-example-api project.
  6. (In another terminal) run yarn start in the monorepo-example-www project.
  7. Visit http://localhost:4200 in your browser.
  8. Sign into your application via GitHub and see the 'Sign In' button turn to a 'Sign Out' button.