
A Presentation for GA-Con

Lisp - Quite Briefly

  • "LISt Processor"
  • Second-oldest (by one year, after Fortran) high-level programming language still in use today (invented at MIT!)
  • Became popular language for AI research
  • Pioneered many important CS concepts
  • Common Lisp and Scheme are the two most widely-used Lisp dialects

Clojure - Briefly

  • Created by Rich Hickey of Cognitect
  • Emphasizes "functional programming", i.e., tends away from mutable data, treats program as evaluation of mathematical functions
  • Specialized language for dealing with problems of concurrency

Problems with Concurrency

  • Multi-core processing creates problems with multi-threaded operations... if multiple threads are working with the same data, possible to achieve unexpected and incorrect results
  • Clojure takes advantage of multi-core processing power while maintaining data integrity by leveraging its data immutability and its strict rules for data mutations

##Emacs In order to use a Lisp dialect, you have to be running a self-compiling list text editor... if I had realized this earlier in my preparations for this presentation, I would have presented on something else. But I didn't, and I spent three hours yesterday learning Emacs, so now it's time for a presentation within a presentation on Emacs.

The Face of Doom: Emacs' Intro Screen


  • I can barely use this POS
  • Normal text editor shortcuts do not work here; it's as if you're writing code in your terminal
  • Write your code in buffers
  • Evaluate lines of code in REPL

Demo: Navigating Emacs

Allow me to demonstrate messing up a bunch of times as I try to navigate Emacs. Good times!

Comparing Clojure and Javascript

Literals: pretty familiar

  • Clojure integer: 1
  • "A Clojure string"
  • ["Clojure" "Vectors" "Are" "Like" "Javascript" "Arrays"]

Clojure Operations: Give Your Lisp A List

(+ 1 2 3 4)
; => 10

(+ 1 (* 2 3) 4)
; => 11

(def name "Rooster Bock Brewster")
(str "This presentation presentated by: " name)
; => "This presentation presentated by: Rooster Bock Brewster"
  • Operations happen with the following syntax: open parens, operator, operands, closing parens
  • Note syntax for nested operations, as well as variable definitions
  • variable definitions are generally immutable

Flow Control and Logic

(if (= (+ 1 2) 3)
  "Jeff's beard is great"
  "Kevin's beard is great")
; => "Jeff's beard is great"

(if (= "Yao Wen" "Really cool")
  "Jeff's beard is great"
  "Kevin's beard is great")
; => "Kevin's beard is great"
  • First position tells Clojure that it's an if statement
  • Second position is evaluated as a boolean (only explicitly falsy values are nil and false)
  • Third position is the code which is evaluated if the boolean is true
  • Fourth position is the code which is evaluated if the boolean is false
  • But what if you want to do multiple things upon the boolean's resolution?
(if (= "This presentation" "smooth and flawless")
  (do (println "Jeff's beard is great")
      "And he worships a lizard-octopus elder god")
  (do (println "Kevin's beard is great")
      "And he crushes beer pong"))
; => Kevin's beard is great
; => "And he crushes beer pong"

The "do" operator can fit several actions within one "position" of the if statement

(def yao-wen "Really cool")
(when (= yao-wen "Really cool")
  (println "Yao Wen claims I am skilled in hip-hop dance")
  "As a cis-male person of pallor I find this highly offensive")
; => Yao Wen claims I am skilled in hip-hop dance
; => "As a cis-male person of pallor I find this highly offensive"


The "when" operator is similar to "if", but only evaluates if the boolean evaluates to true

Other Logical Operators: And and Or

  • or evaluates to the first truthy value in a list, or the last value if none are truthy
  • and evaluates to the first falsy value in a list, or if none are falsy, the last value

Other Data Structures

(conj [1 2 3] 4)
; => [1 2 3 4]

(def ex-list (list 1 "two" {3 4}))
(nth ex-list 2)
; => {3 4}

(hash-set 1 1 2 2)
; => #{1 2}

(def not-uniq [1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7])
(def uniq (set not-uniq))
; => #{7 1 5}

(sort uniq)
; => (1 5 7) -- note that it's a list now

Function Declarations

Let's look at some example functions in a .clj file loaded in Emacs

Now You Know Clojure, Go Get PAAIIIDDD

From what I've seen, Clojure engineers do quite well, so we should all be rich by next week
