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  • Model real-world entities.
  • Compare entity traits with entity behavior.
  • Implement these models with objects.
  • Compare attribute properties and method properties.


  • Chapters 5 and 6 of Fundamentals
  • Defining and calling functions
  • Dot syntax for JavaScript objects

Abstraction and Modeling

The world is full of complex systems. Take weather, for example.

Weather Forecast

There's a ton of information we could record about the weather. Yet when you read the weather report in the morning, all of that information is distilled down to a handful of numbers: 34 degrees fahrenheit, 20% chance of precipitation, 4 degree windchill...

Why do you think that might be?

Let's consider another example : a scientist trying to come up with a set of rules to describe how something behaves. To make these rules, the scientist must typically make many simplifying assumptions - otherwise, the rules get too complicated. The process of figuring out which part of the problem to keep (and which ones to ignore or assume away) is called abstraction. By abstracting away irrelevant information, the scientist can then construct a model, a simplified representation of the original problem.

How might abstraction and modeling be relevant as software developers? Take a minute and discuss this with your squad.

Let's take a look at a specific example: a laptop. Suppose that we need to represent a laptop in an application. What attributes are most important to include in our model?

As it turns out, the answer to that question depends heavily on what the application will do and how it will be used. If the application is for selling laptops, we might be pick attributes like sale price, brand, amount of RAM, disc space, and processor speed. However, if the application is for factories, e.g. tracking laptops as they're being manufactured, things like sale price are irrelevant; instead, we might want our model to include the production line where the laptop was assembled, or the laptop's current stage of completion.


In your squads, pick one of the following examples and individually brainstorm about abstractions and models you might use. Once you're done, discuss your answers as a squad.

  • Reporting software that analyzes the performance of different members of a sales team.

  • A computer game that allows a user to take the role of a unit commander or general and simulates a battle based on his or her commands.

  • A hotel website that allows users to search for and manage reservations, which includes making changes to the arrival date and room type.

  • An e-commerce platform that allows users to purchase products and pay for them by credit card.

  • A platform for watching training videos (e.g. as part of a recertification process) and answering questions about them.

  • A recipe website; when users change the number of dinner guests, the site adjusts ingredient quantities accordingly.

Modeling in JavaScript

Let's think about how might we construct a model in JavaScript as part of an application. Models can be as simple as a single number -- for instance, a day's weather can be modeled as 'temperature' or 'inches of snow expected'. Other things, such as lists of similar items, are typically modeled by arrays; since the items are all similar, an index is sufficient to distinguish them.

let beatles = ['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo'];

Note that we're also abstracting away each Beatle as a String - at the moment, we're only interested in their first names.

Most of the time, though, what we want to model has multiple attributes, often of different types: for instance, a car might have a make (String), a release year (Number), and a mileage (Number). Because these attributes are different, we also probably want to refer to them using descriptive names. For this kind of use case, an Object is the best fit, since its properties are key-value pairs with String keys. Objects can also have properties that hold functions, called methods, and these can stand in neatly for any behaviors that we might want our model to have.

Suppose we needed to model a single crayon in JavaScript. We might come up with something like this.

let crayon = {
  color: 'blue',
  lengthInCM: 8,
  getUsedUp: function(){
    this.lengthInCM -= 0.5;

As you can see, crayon has two ordinary properties, (color and lengthInCM); these map to attributes of the crayon that (presumably) are relevant to our application. In addition, it also has a method called getUsedUp, which corresponds with a behavior that real crayons exhibit - getting shorter as they get used.

Just as a refresher, if we want to access crayon's color property, we can write crayon.color. Similarly, if we want to access the function stored inside the getUsedUp property, we can write crayon.getUsedUp. Lastly, if we want to treat that function as a method and invoke it from the object, we can write crayon.getUsedUp().

Now let's consider how we might model a TV. For this example, let's assume that we're only concerned with using the TV, not selling it or anything like that.

When we interact with a TV, there's a short list of things that we typically do:

  • turn it on/off (toggle power)
  • increase or decrease the volume
  • increase or decrease the channel In addition, there are a number of other features of the TV that might interest us:
  • is it a plasma/LCD/LED TV?
  • what's the resolution?
  • how much power does it consume?

How could we model this in JavaScript? In your squads, take five minutes and write out a JavaScript object that represents all of the features and behaviors of a TV listed above.


Let's revisit one of the examples from the previous lab - say, the recipe website. Suppose that after careful research, we've determined that the following things must be true about the application.

A recipe must have:

  • a name
  • an author
  • a list of steps
  • a list of ingredient quantities
  • a number of servings that the recipe yields

An ingredient quantity must have:

  • an ingredient
  • a unit of measure (e.g. teaspoons)
  • a quantity
  • notes (e.g. chopped fine)

An ingredient must have:

  • a name
  • a value indicating whether or not the ingredient is in your fridge/pantry

Additionally, the recipe should be able to:

  • print a list of its ingredients, in the following format:

    1 cup of flour

    2 tablespoons of butter


  • indicate whether the user needs to buy more ingredients, or whether the recipe can be prepared as-is

How could we actually implement this in JavaScript? In your squads, try to come up with a way to represent the abstractions given above using the tools we've learned about so far (basic types like numbers, strings, and booleans; reference types like arrays, objects, and functions). When you finish, we'll discuss our answers as a class.


Now you're thinking with abstraction!

Picking the right model(s) can make your problem much simpler; however, picking the wrong model(s) can send you down a rabbit hole, so be thoughtful in what you choose. Try running your models by someone else and see what they think!

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