
mfcoind docker image

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


mfcoind docker image.


How to use this image

It behaves like a binary, so you can pass any arguments to the image and they will be forwarded to the mfcoind binary:

$ docker run --name mfcoind -d mfcoin/mfcoind \
  -rpcallowip=::/0 \
  -rpcpassword=bar \

By default, mfcoin will run as as user mfcoin for security reasons and with its default data dir (~/.mfcoin). If you'd like to customize where mfcoin stores its data, you must use the MFC_DATA environment variable. The directory will be automatically created with the correct permissions for the user and mfcoin automatically configured to use it.

$ docker run --env MFC_DATA=/var/lib/mfcoin --name mfcoind -d mfcoin/mfcoind

You can also mount a directory it in a volume under /home/mfcoin/.MFC in case you want to access it on the host:

$ docker run -v /home/mfcoin:/home/mfcoin/.MFC --name mfcoind -d mfcoin/mfcoind

That will allow to access containers ~/.MFC directory in /opt/mfcoin on the host.

$ docker run -v ${PWD}/data:/home/mfcoin/.MFC --name mfcoind -d mfcoin/mfcoind

will mount current directory in containers ~/.MFC

To map container RPC ports to localhost start container with following command:

$ docker run -v /opt/mfcoin:/home/mfcoin/.MFC -p 22825:22825 --name mfcoind -d mfcoin/mfcoind -rpcallowip=::/0

You may want to change the port that it is being mapped to if you already run a mfcoin instance on the localhost. For example: -p 9999:22825 will map port 22825 from container to localhost:9999.

Now you will be able to curl the mfcoin RPC in the container:

curl --user foo:bar --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getinfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' localhost:22825/
