
GoogleCloud Stackdriver Bundle

Primary LanguagePHP

GoogleCloud Stackdriver Bundle Build Status

Log all records in Stackdriver using this bundle. Some features

  • Error reporting send notifications (by exception or log level error)
  • Create correct metadata from $_ENV vars
  • Auto create logname ${gcloud_service}-symfony.log
  • track logs from same request with label requestId
  • Track current user


This bundle use auto recipes from https://github.com/symfony/recipes-contrib, to enable execute

composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true

Install the bundle...

composer req mgdsoft/stackdriver-bundle

The bundle will be configured only for prod environment see packages/prod/mgdsoft_stackdriver.yaml for more info.

Inside appengine credentials are configured auto, but to test in local you must set mgdsoft_stackdriver.credentials_json_file

Finally configure like simple monolog service handler and enjoy it.

# /config/packages/prod/monolog.yaml
            type: service
            id: MGDSoft\Stackdriver\Logger\Handler

By default all errors are reported, if you want to disable update bundle config

#./bin/console config:dump-reference MGDSoftStackdriverBundle

    credentials_json_file:  null
    log_name:               null
    level:                  info
        enabled:              true
        ignore_400:           true

All pull request are welcome ;-)