Qt gui library for Dlang (dmd D2).
Qt wrapper for the D language (dmd D2 dlang) and Forth (SPF-4.20) language.
This works in Windows 32/64 and Linux 32/64.
This is a small study library to work with Qt. It is used for dynamic linking and easy in use. It works on Windows and Linux. The way it works is simple: through the modules QtE.d (D) or QtE.f (Forth), it takes all necessary methods and properties of Qt. References to Qt objects are created by using QtE.DLL(so) in C++. This method allows to reduce programming in C++ to a minimum, through using the QtE library for Dlang.
Compile Windows:
dmd XXX.d qte.d
Compile Linux:
dmd XXX.d qte.d -L-ldl
Home page: http://qte.ucoz.ru
Important! For more detailed explanations and receptions of the newest versions write to mgw@yandex.ru
This link: http://yadi.sk/d/l4rd7-QPHdpHM will help you upload a set of ready DLL (so) for testing the QtE. The archive contains the minimum set of ready files for Qt and QtE for Windows 32 and Linux 32. This will allow you to test QtE without installing Qt on your PC. Just copy the DLL (so) in your folder dmd/windows/bin or dmd/linux/bin32 and work with QtE.
Notice the simplicity of the compilation and link.
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Windows 7 (Qt 4.5.2)
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Linux Fedora 18 (Qt 4.8)