
A parser for binary Saleae Logic 2 export format

Primary LanguageRust

Saleae binary format parser

This Rust crate allows you to parse Saleae binary export format that is used in data exports from Saleae Logic 2.


let data0 = include_bytes!("../test/digital_0.bin");
let mut br = BufReader::new(&data0[..]);
match SaleaePacket::decode_sync(&mut br) {
    Err(e) => println!("e: {}", e),
    Ok(a) => println!("{:#?}", a),

Format description

The official format documentation can be found here.

All types are in little-endian.


id: "<SALEAE>"
version: i32
type_id: i32

Where id is always <SALEAE>, version 0 (for now) and type_id can be 0 for digital and 1 for analog.

Digital Type

initial_state: u32
begin_time: u32
end_time: u32
num_transitions: u64
transitions: Vec<f64>
Field Meaning
initial_state The digital state the capture started with
begin_time The base time of samples
end_time The end time of samples
num_transitions Number of transitions
transitions Vec<f64> containing times of transitions

Analog Type

begin_time: f64
sample_rate: u64
downsample: u64
num_samples: u64
samples: Vec<f32>
Field Meaning
begin_time The base time of samples
sample_rate Amount of samples per second
downsample ?
num_samples Amount of samples present
samples Vec<f32> containing voltages at the sample time