By Zichen Zhu & Chenhao Ma
- Entity:
- Variables:
- entityType -> entity type
- entityId -> entity id in this type
- Variables:
- Relation:
- Variables:
- startEntity -> the start entity
- endEntity -> the end entity
- weight(default:None) -> the weight of this relation object
- Variables:
- Entity Info:
- Variables:
- entity -> its correponding entity in HIN
- inRelations:
- Type: dict
- keys: the start entity type
- Values:
- relIndexDict:
- Type: dict
- keys: the start entity id
- Values: the indexes of these correponding relations in HIN['Relations']
- relsNum:
- Type: int
- the number of relations under this relation type
- relIndexDict:
- outRelations:
- Type: dict
- keys: the end entity type
- Values: (similar to the inRelations values)
- Methods:
- addRelation(relation, relationIndex, inRelationFlag):
- relation: a Relation object
- relationIndex: its correponding index in HIN['Relations']
- inRelationFlag:
- True -> a incoming relation
- False -> a outgoing relation
- function: update this entity's inRelations or outRelations according to the relation and its index
- addRelation(relation, relationIndex, inRelationFlag):
- Variables:
- HIN:
- Type: dict
- Keys: ['Entities', 'EntityTypes', 'Relations', 'RelationTypes']
- HIN['Entities']:
- Type: list
- Values:
- Type: Entity Info Class
- HIN['EntityTypes']:
- Type: dict
- Keys: all possible entity types
- Values:
- Type: dict
- Keys: entity id of this type
- Values: the index of an EntityInfo object in HIN['Entities']
- HIN['Relations']:
- Type: list
- Values:
- Type: Relation Class
- HIN['RelationTypes']:
- Type: dict
- Keys: "(entity type1)-(entity type2)"
- Values:
- Type: list
- Values:
- Type: the index of a relation in HIN['Relations']
- Dataset source is refered in the report.
is used to produce the train and test data based on the dataset.python3
is used to load the graph and store the graph into pickle file for further use.python3
is used to re-produde the results shown in our report.